Opinions, Letters To The Editor

LTE: A Response to “En Route to Off-Campus Residence, Female Student Sexually Assaulted”

Why is it that ‘white’ people are often presumed innocent in media accounts of violence? “The other male [white], who was not directly involved in the assault…” The report states he did approach the female—perhaps he was a lookout? As a bystander, shouldn’t we hold him responsible in trying to prevent the attack? Why are ‘white’ people not described in the same way that ‘black’ people are—and in particular black males? We receive more description on the black male and little to nothing on the white male. Why wasn’t his height reported? What was his haircut like? And what were these two wearing? We acknowledge the female may not have noticed further detail of the white male, but it should be so stated in the report. Seeking a more objective report, free of racial subtexts, should be at the forefront of The Heights’s reporting. We wonder why students continue to rise up and ask that Boston College address institutional racism. Here’s one easy way—let’s stop racial profiling.

Deborah Piatelli, Ph.D.

Part Time Professor

Department of Sociology, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Management and Organization, Carroll School of Management

Faculty-in-Residence, Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center


United Front E-board

Jacquelyn Andalcio, LSOE ’17

Jessica Stephens MCAS ’17

Gbidee Roberts, CSOM ’17

Omonosa Owens, MCAS ’20

Najat Goso MCAS ’18

Titilayo Odedele MCAS ’18

Nanayaw Appiah-Kubi LSOE ’19

Adrien Apollon CSOM ’18

Erinma Ifegwu Anya, CSON ’20

Zachary Patterson, LSOE ’19

Taraun Frontis CSOM ’19

Jasmin Addai, MCAS ’20

George Boateng MCAS ’18

Featured Image by Kristin Saleski / Heights Archives

November 9, 2016