Opinions, TU/TD

TU/TD: Welcome Back To Boston College

 Thumbs Up

The Heights is Back – You missed us. We missed you. But don’t think this means we’ll ask about your summer. We can just imagine you saying something to the effect that it was good, so it’ll save us time and you breath if you just save it. But we hope you enjoy what The Heights has in store this semester—we’ll enjoy bringing it to you, twice a week.

Not on God’s Time Anymore – For those desperate to escape the rottenness of syllabus week, there are now clocks hanging from the walls of classrooms, like in Stokes, to provide a second by second count of the time ticking and tocking away. These spaces used to be on God’s time, and now they belong to the precession of a man-made machine. Feeling sacrilegious when peeking up at it? Just a little, right? It’s okay. That’s what confession is for.

Too Nice To Avoid – There was a time when you avoided the outdoors. It involved layering, bracing yourself, two scarfs, and three hats. But now, the weather outside is too nice to really justify you staying inside at all. Sure, if you’re in the sun for too long, later on you’ll feel like you’re stinking up the whole lecture hall class—but, if you can get the bench in the shade, then you’re absolutely golden.

Thumbs Down

Eduroam – Wifi on campus used to belong to Boston College, and it was efficient, reliable, and easy to stay signed in on—all of the things that Eduroam isn’t. Just the name alone makes it sound dangerous, like a shady European club where there’s no bouncer and there are bars over the front windows. Now, not only will you leave that paper until the last minute, but you won’t even be able to get it to your professor by the midnight deadline. Thanks, UGBC.

Crowds – Do a quarter of the people that are out and about now just go away after the first week is over and close themselves off in their rooms, never to be seen again? Why are the lines always so damn long at Eagles to start off the year? We understand why the Plex is so busy, and the bookstore is so packed: people who skipped the work needed for a summer body will try three or four times to catch up and just end up turning to hot wings and Netflix, and people need to drop lots of money on thick books that they’ll barely turn the pages of and resell at the end of the semester for a fifth of the price, but we just don’t understand why the dining hall explodes in the beginning and then tapers off within a couple weeks. But we guess The Chocolate Bar will always come through with its lack of tables and space to work, so.

September 2, 2015