” You hold with yourself all the hope that you made the right choice, but none of the clairvoyance of actually knowing for sure. And yet, there may be some comfort in that feeling—knowing the die is cast, the rubicon crossed and all that is left is the march forward.”
What is Your Opinion of Winter?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what their opinion of winter was. Featured Image by Jonathon Ye
Two Years in the Newspaper Business Without Writing a Word
“What I’ve come to realize, then, even if it took me two and a half years, is that I didn’t need to write for The Heights. Rather, I was already getting everything that I loved from the organization itself.”
Racist Vandalism, Disjointed Administrative Response Alienate Black Students On Campus
In response to Michael Sorkin’s racist vandalism, top BC administrators sent out two separate statements—one to faculty and one, albeit much less detailed, to students—rather than addressing the University community as a unified group.
Giving Thanks for the Ability to Chose Our Free Time
“I recognized how lucky I am to be a college student, who has the freedom to take classes that interest me, to personally allocate my time, and to focus on my own growth as an individual.”
LTE: In Response to “Taking the Temperature on Diversity and Inclusion in 2018”
“Until students, faculty, and staff alike contend with the historical roots of BC’s dominant culture, AHANA+ students will not be able to benefit from all that our institution has to offer.”
Student Experience Survey De-emphasizes Important Questions
“The arrangement of the survey seemed more like an overall experience survey… rather than a survey designed to directly address the results of racism on campus, which the University cited as a catalyst for… the survey.”
Grass, Lettuce, and UIS: TU/TD
Thumbs Up Grass – The type on the ground. Shoutout to Leahy’s grass by Stokes for making such an incredible rebound. It looked like a battlefield after College Gameday, and our pre-Thanksgiving snow day didn’t especially help it recover from its hangover, no matter how much Gatorade we could conceivably pour on it. Just weeks later,…
Millennials and Gen Z’ers Redefine Their Stereotypes
“BC students care so much about making everything better for everyone, and that’s a reflection of our generation.”
Giving Thanks for BC, Drives Home, and Columns
“Good grades, social life, or sleep. Pick two.” But that doesn’t mean we need to pick the same two all the time.