In my experience asking those my age why they choose not to exercise their right, most avoid straight-up claiming they couldn’t care less.
Learning to Say What You Mean
It’s a matter that comes to fruition in our language, but exists in every part of our life.
One Comma, Two Comma, Red Comma, Beluga Comma: TU/TD
Their bulbous heads, unusually pigmented skin, and (notice the Oxford comma) overall happy demeanors contribute to their undeniable uniqueness and beauty compared to other sea creatures.
Die-In Proves Necessary Action to Continue Movement For Diversity
Last year’s march occurred with the intention that the University would do something in response.
LTE: In Response to “Students Hold Die-In on Quad on Anniversary of Silence is Still Violence
While Boston College students have expressed a need for more comprehensive diversity, equity, and inclusion programs for decades, the events of last fall made it painfully clear that the University still has a long road ahead.
Guest Column: A Letter to the Dean Calling for a Reconsideration of BC’s Alcohol Policy
If I’m going to get the same punishment for not drinking as I would for drinking, then why don’t I just drink like everyone else?
On the Militarization of the Police
The parallels between the slave patrol and modern policing are frightening and include mass incarceration and an extensive history of police brutality.
Nicomachean and Nicotine Ethics: Considering the Morality of the JUUL
Would our theology professors have anything to say about using refilled pods? Would our philosophy professors even care?
Recognizing Generational Criticisms
It seemed as though the generational divide was entirely arbitrary, or at the very least some sort of misunderstanding.
Running the Race That Remembers One of BC’s Greatest
“It’s a humbling reminder of where we are in our lives and enables us to take a step back from the trivial things that stress us out so that we can take a look at the bigger picture.”