Tag: TikTok

False Connection
Opinions, Column

False Connection

Your phone—that little device that, for many people, is the one thing we bring with us wherever we go. You might even be using it right now to read this. Supposedly, it connects us to the world. Yet somehow, it still manages to disconnect us from each other.

Phone Usage: A Gateway to Mindlessness?
Opinions, Column

Phone Usage: A Gateway to Mindlessness?

While it may be entertaining to watch content and multitask, our phone makes us increasingly comfortable with splitting our attention. From walking to eating to brushing our teeth, our phones have wormed their way into every small activity to the point where we cannot be fully present throughout an entire day.

The Resurrection of the Bibliophile
Opinions, Column

The Resurrection of the Bibliophile

“Are you a bibliophile?”  She asked the question like it was an insult.  I was sitting on the chipping blue bench—tucking my obligatory Catholic school plaid skirt under my legs to avoid splinters—with my copy of Harry Potter nestled securely under my arm.  After letting me sit in awkward silence for a moment too long,…