
Maloney Hall To Undergo Renovations

Visible alterations to campus-the new academic Quad, the lounge area in McElroy-were not the only renovations that took place over the summer. After Stokes Hall opened up last spring, and St. Mary’s Hall closed for repairs shortly beforehand, the process of moving department offices began. The history, theology, and philosophy departments moved from their original space in Maloney Hall to Stokes, opening up room for other branches of the University. Also moved were a few of the Theatre department’s offices-while the department itself is still based in Robsham theater, several offices are now housed in Rubenstein Hall, where theater has acquired more workshop space as well.

“The space vacated … gives us a great opportunity to renovate Maloney,” said Vice President for Institutional Planning Kelli Armstrong in an email. “Economics and Student Affairs will remain in the building but will be changing floors as [the economics department] has grown in size and needed more space, and Student Affairs will move to the fourth floor so that it can be at the ‘bridge’ to the Library and on the path for many students.”

The economics department is slated to move during winter break, while Student Affairs will move next summer. The summer afterward, in 2015, will see the Connell School of Nursing move entirely into Maloney, taking up the second floor and half of the third floor. The mathematics department will be transferring from Carney Hall to the fifth floor of Maloney during that time as well. “Both CSON and Math will be gaining significant square footage as they have been confined in their current spaces,” Armstrong said.

Other departments will be vacating Maloney in the near future-the computer science and communications departments will move when the renovation of St. Mary’s ends in December 2014. Additional changes in Maloney include a floor-by-floor renovation that, starting this semester, will introduce more glass and natural light to the building and will, Armstrong said, create “more collaborative spaces for students and faculty.”

“We’re excited about the changes as we think they’ll benefit each of the departments,” Armstrong said.

September 12, 2013