
EagleDate: Sugary Cereal and Cartoons


Sydney Bernal

Year: 2019

Major: Communication

Heights: What did you do for your date?

Sydney: I got us tickets and we went to, in Cambridge, this theater that does breakfast and cereal and Saturday morning cartoons. So we went to that and it was a breakfast bar with all kinds of milk … It had all the cereals you weren’t allowed to eat as a child. I was a big fan, and cartoons from childhood, so Scooby Doo and ones I’d never seen before because I’m not that old, so it was a good time.

Heights: Did you do anything to prepare for your date?

Sydney: I bought the tickets. I was going to go already, and so then I just bought an extra ticket for him because I asked if he was interested and he said “Yeah, sure that sounds fine.”

Heights: What was it like when you first met your date?

Sydney: So it was kind of confusing to find a place to meet because I was super vague, but then we met, we called the Lyft and went over, and we talked in the Lyft and we were there a little bit early, so then we got tea before, and that was good. I love tea.

Heights: What did you talk about?
Sydney: I’m sure we talked about dancing because that was all I talk about ever. We just kind of talked about life, school … not a ton of details were divulged, so it was pretty surface level, but just kind of small talk.

Heights: What do you think the future holds for the two of you?

Sydney: I think we could be friends. I think it’s always nice to meet people you don’t usually come into contact with and gain different perspectives on things.

Kyle Garrett

Year: 2019

Major: Computer science

Heights: What did you do for your date?

Kyle: We went out, we got tea, we explored Cambridge a bit. We went to a theater. I don’t remember the name of it, but it was some old TV shows thing.

Heights: Did you do anything to prepare for your date?

Kyle: I dressed up nice, tried to fix up my hair, all that. Nothing too special since I wasn’t sure what we would be doing. I just tried to be presentable.

Heights: What was it like when you first met your date?

Kyle: Seemed to go pretty well. We had already spoken a bit via text message, and I had already tried to set up the Lyft, so we chatted a bit. It didn’t go too badly, I didn’t think.

Heights: What did you talk about?

Kyle: We talked about our experiences coming to Boston College, our opinions of the city and school. She told me a lot about her friends, her interests, dancing, and all that. Other than that, it was pretty much just whatever.

Heights: What do you think the future holds for you two?

Kyle: I’m not sure if there was much chemistry there, but I’d like to think we’d at least be friends and such, because she seemed interesting.

Featured Image by Zoe Fanning / Heights Editor

March 26, 2017