Masthead 2017

The Heights

Boston College’s independent student newspaper


Established 1919 

Contact Information:

The Heights, Inc.

113 McElroy Commons

Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Phone: (617) 552-2221

2017 Editorial Board


Michael Sullivan

Avita Anand

General Manager
Taylor St. Germain

Managing Editor


Anthony Rein

Copy Editor

Alec Greaney

A1 Editor

Abigail Paulson

Creative Director

Connor Murphy

News Editor

Riley Overend

Sports Editor

Caleb Griego

Scene Editor

Archer Parquette

Features Editor

Madeleine D’Angelo

Metro Editor

Leo Confalone

Opinions Editor

Julia Hopkins

Photography Editor

Max Roth

Online Manager

Steven Everett

Layout Editor

Madison Mariani

Layout Editor

Meg Dolan

Graphics Editor

Zoe Fanning

Graphics Editor

Joan Kennedy

Associate Copy Editor

Grace Gvodas

Assistant Copy Editor

Chris Russo

Associate News Editor

Heidi Dong

Assistant News Editor

Annabel Steele

Associate Sports Editor

Anders Backstrom

Assistant Sports Editor

Jacob Schick

Associate Scene Editor

Isabella Dow

Assistant Scene Editor

Shannon Kelly

Assistant Features Editor

Will Batchelor

Assistant Metro Editor

Amelie Trieu

Associate Photo Editor

Lizzy Barrett

Assistant Photo Editor

Hannah McLaughlin

Social Media Manager

Francisco Ruela, Jr.

Multimedia Editor

D.J. Recny

Executive Assistant

Barrette Janney

Editorial Assistant

Business & Operations

Jack Powers

Business Manager

Kelsey McGee

Outreach Coordinator

Kipp Milone

Collections Manager

William McCarthy

Account Manager

Mike Rosmarin

Account Manager

Chris Chilton

On-Campus Ads Manager

Griffin Elliott

Systems Manager



Past Editorial Boards:

20162015, 2014