Column, Opinions

Deck The Halls For The Holidays

Christmas is in the air-or at least Christmas music is in the air.

McElroy has been playing Christmas music nonstop, and if you think this is a bad thing, you might as well be excited to take exams.

With Christmas floating in the air particles, that only means one thing: It is time to decorate your room. 

Full disclosure-this is for everyone. 

I don’t care if you live on Newton, in a Mod, or in 2000 Commonwealth Ave. I don’t care if you are on the football team or the head of the committee for decorating the campus for Christmas-you definitely have to put up some kind of decorations.

Even if you have a single room and are the only one who will ever see it, a successful Boston College campus requires everyone to have the Christmas spirit. 

This theory is similar to the study tactic of sleeping on your book in order to absorb the information into your brain while you sleep. 

The decorating logic goes: If you sleep in a decorated room, your Christmas spirit will increase by 129 percent. If you leave Elf on loop, that number becomes 193 percent. If Love Actually is on loop, your Christmas spirit is too big of a number to comprehend. That is a fact that can’t be argued, so don’t argue it or I will get very angry.

So now that you understand how important it is for every room to be decorated, we can figure out how to best decorate. 

And by decorate, I mean go so overboard that it is teetering on obnoxious.

1. Lights: Can it get any more obvious? The BC website says, “Christmas or other decorative lighting is permitted only from Oct. 15 to Jan. 15,” and if you are not already taking advantage of this, transfer forms can be picked up at Lyons Hall.

We need strings of lights-some multi-colored, some all green, and others all red-so  many lights that you wake up singing Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You.”

2. Pictures of Santa: This is a new thing that I bet most people don’t have on their walls. Put up pictures of Santa-everywhere. Go to the library and spend your color printing bucks-no one has any idea what they are or how to use them-and print out my man Santa. 

If you’re a fan of Mrs. Claus, get her up on the wall, too. The reindeer? You got it. Let’s cover these walls with our best friends from the North Pole. 

3. Christmas Sweaters: Wait, why do I need Christmas sweaters if we are talking about room decorations? 

Well, for one reason: your shelves need to store Christmas sweaters each and every moment. 

Secondly, when you leave your room, you have to be in the spirit. How do you think the air became filled with Christmas spirit? Well, everyone has their Christmas garb on.

4. Food: This is a big one. You need to have cookies, candy canes, and any type of food that’s eaten on Christmas.  

Everyone have his or her mom send up a ton of sweets because there is no better decoration than something edible. Only one problem-you will need a large supply so you can eat the sweets every single day.

5. Music: A constant stream of Christmas music is required. 

Actually, if you do not have Christmas music flooding out of the hallway, the previous four steps will be negated, and you will need to head to Lyons and fill out transfer forms.

6. Snowflakes: Pay attention here: If you are spending hours cutting out snowflakes, you are trying too hard. 

You are wasting time, and the paper will eventually be stepped on or not even noticed. Don’t waste your time with snowflakes. Don’t try too hard. Really. No snowflakes.

Those are your six keys to filling BC’s Christmas spirit to the brim. 

This will help you and your roommates emotionally, physically, and mentally. Nothing is more relaxing than multicolored lights and classic Christmas carols after a long day of dull classes and endless studying. 

Also, you will no doubt do better on your exams. If you are fully invested in Christmas, then your grades will be much better. Fact.

So cheers to great Christmas decorations (with no snowflakes) and a wonderful holiday season. 


December 9, 2013