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Opinions, Column

Feb. 17 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down


Thumbs Up

BC Grounds Crew – Thank you to the grounds maintenance department of Facilities Services for keeping our roads clear and our dignity intact, so that we could still wear our rubber-soled sneakers on the way to the Plex and not risk falling on our face-or, even worse, slipping on the treadmill. God forbid the men of Boston College would have to exchange their Sperrys for Bean Boots in order to trudge their way up the million dollar stairs. Thank you for keeping enough snow around to remind us that it’s February in Boston, but not enough to remind us that we’re in the middle of a polar vortex. Your late night work makes the trip to Late Night a lot more bearable. Without your hard work, BC would be less safe … and a lot less fashionable.

<strong>BC Hockey</strong> - Thank you to men's and women's hockey for not only maintaining the winning legacy of BC Hockey, but also for making it socially acceptable for students to party on a Monday night. Because of you, students from all around campus gathered at 1 <span data-scayt_word="a.m" data-scaytid="8">a.m</span>. around the locked gates of the Mods in hopes of catching a glimpse of the few lucky students taking a sip from the <span data-scayt_word="Beanpot" data-scaytid="10">Beanpot</span>. Thank you for also being the sole reason <em>I'm <span data-scayt_word="Shmacked" data-scaytid="11">Shmacked</span></em> came to BC.</p><h4 style="padding:5px;">  Thumbs Down</h4><p> <strong>President's Day</strong> - Why do you show no love to our nation's presidents, BC? At many of our peer institutions, today is a day off for the celebration of the legacy of the <span data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="1">U.S</span>. presidency. Although it is right around the birthdays of <span data-scayt_word="Messrs" data-scaytid="3">Messrs</span>. Lincoln and Washington, it's additionally an opportunity to celebrate the lesser known presidents-you know, like William Henry Harrison, William Howard Taft, and Chester A. Arthur. This year, with Patriot's Day coinciding with Easter Monday, we are denied a day off. BC should have compensated by giving us a vacation today. Think of all of the fun presidents-themed events that we could have had....

<strong>Off-Centered Text</strong> - You know what really bothered us this Valentine's Day?-The type on the traditional candy hearts being off-center on many of the individual hearts. We understand that it is not possible for the type to be centered on all of them, but this year there seemed to be a preponderance of hearts with most of the words going off the side. Candy heart factories, you need to get your s-t together.

Post Valentine’s Day PDA – To the couples who insist on holding hands while walking from Upper to Mac-we get it. Your love can brave the dangerous, icy road conditions and frigid temperatures, and your intertwined hands can ward off frostbite. But let’s not lie-no one is actually enjoying this. Such public displays of affection are only acceptable on one day of the year: Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is officially over, however, and holding hands while waiting for the Comm. Ave. bus is no longer considered cute. Especially for those freshmen-you’ve known each other for literally one semester. Please confine all public displays of affection to crowded, off-campus basements and sweaty Mods.

February 17, 2014