Letters To The Editor, Opinions

LTE: In Support Of The Marathon

The last 13 months have been full of challenges, joy, sadness and surprises, some very good-some horrific. On April 15, 2013 evil visited our city. On that Marathon Monday, our city showed exactly what it is made of and in the ensuing year we were Boston Strong. This year, April 21 will be the day to demonstrate that we did not only come back, but are stronger than ever. We always protect and remember our own. Good always wins in the end.

The Campus School has faced challenges this year and as we all know-we are on the road to become better than ever, stronger than ever. Together with our families, staff, BCCS Volunteers, and the Boston College community, we became Campus School Strong.

We looked forward to coming out in full force to support the 350 runners who would be running for our children. We prayed for an outcome that would not let the bombers detract from this wonderful act of kindness from the BCCS Marathon team. Unfortunately those 350 runners will not be able to run on Marathon Monday. We all understand the reasons why for this year. It is disappointing, but understood.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who trained so hard to run for our kids. We understand that to run for one’s self is an accomplishment, but to run for someone who cannot is truly a gift! Thank you for the gift you were preparing. You have no idea how much your support means.

The reality, however, is this is a year when the Campus School needs those runners and their sponsors more than ever. The $75,000 raised last year is so important to our school. The Great Campus School Bandit Run on April 13 will be the alternate event. It appears that at the time of this letter the number of participants has declined to 150 runners.

To those who have decided not to run in the event, please know that we wish you the best in whatever option you choose. We will send you good wishes for a victorious run and pray that we will see you next year. While you run, we hope you will remember our Campus School family.

To the remaining 150 runners-Thank you!! Please know that our families will be along the route-manning water stops, blasting music, cheering you on as loud as we can. Our children will work on posters with their BC buddies and siblings. We will do our best to make lemonade from the lemons that have been handed out. We will be the wind at your back as you take on this challenge. Promise!!!

To the BC Community-please consider joining us along the route to cheer on and support the Campus School Runners. Consider it a warm up for the 21st. Two “Mile 21” events can be awesome events. Help us prove that we take care of our own-we are BC. Good always wins.

Boston College Campus School Families


March 23, 2014