Opinions, Editorials

NOTH Dance’s Name Exhibited Poor Taste

On Friday evening, Nights on the Heights (NOTH), in conjunction with Global Zero and Electronic State of Mind, hosted a dance titled “Drop Beats not Bombs.” The event was held in the Vanderslice Cabaret Room, and the description sent out by NOTH in an email on Thursday afternoon stated that the event was in support of the Boston Marathon runners.

In light of the bombings at last year’s Boston Marathon, this choice of title showed extremely poor taste and was highly insensitive toward the many members of the Boston College community who were affected by the attacks.

One of the co-hosts, Global Zero, is a student organization dedicated to nuclear nonproliferation. This issue, although important, is entirely seperate and should not be conflated with the Marathon bombings. While the relation between the event title and the mission of Global Zero is clear, the use of “bombs” in the title of an event that also claimed connection with the Marathon was unacceptably flippant about a somber reality.


April 13, 2014