Column, Opinions

Friday Night Lights And The Dastardly Consequences Of Hot Sauce

Thumbs Up

Mod 6B: We don’t know you, but we were walking by your Mod on Friday as we went about our tailgating business and couldn’t help but notice the sign in your kitchen window. We have to Thumbs Up you on two levels for your sign that read, “One Mod to Rule Them All / One Mod Find Them / One Mod to Bring Them All / And in the Darkness Bind Them.” Firstly, we love The Lord of the Rings. It is absolutely one of our favorite pieces of literature, so it warms our heart to see it pop up in our lives from time to time. Secondly—and perhaps more importantly—we have to applaud you for your cleverness because, after all, hasn’t it always been the Mods at Boston College that bring us all together in the darkness and bind us?

Friday Night Lights: It is a rare game when the halogen lights illuminate Alumni Stadium in the waning hours of the day. It is a rare game when we can watch the sun set as the Eagles take to the field. It is a rare game when we are, all at once, whisked back to fields of Texas, where the good ol’ boys would take to the gridiron every Friday, under the expectant beam of the Friday Night Lights.

Share A Coke: This was really cool. Thanks, Coca-Cola, for coming to campus with your marketing team. We got our name on a can of Coke. Sweet.

Thumbs Down

Frank’s Red Hot: Oh, you sneaky sauce, you. We poured you expectantly upon our Late Nite pizza, hoping to add flavor to an otherwise bland menu item. We enjoyed the leaps of flavor you brought to our palate. But then you cruelly tricked us. In the middle of the night, you tortured our stomach, keeping us awake for hours. We should have never trusted you, you vixen. With your wily words, you tempted us, and we fell for your cunning designs. Now, like Adam and Eve were when evicted from the garden at the hands of an angry God, we regret it. We regret all of it.

Kimonos As Loungewear: Some of our friends—and by that, we really just mean one friend (you know who you are)—think that it is appropriate to lounge around Ignacio Hall in a kimono. While we do not doubt his claims that it is incredibly comfortable, we would argue that it is comfortable only for him. The rest of us are left mildly discomforted by just how revealing it is. Did we really need to see so much of his thighs?

Career Center Email: As seniors, we really do not appreciate receiving an email from the Career Center before classes even start reminding us that “graduation is just months away.” That is just cruel. We are already suffering from the fact that this is our last year at BC, we don’t really need the Career Center rubbing in not only the fact that it is ending, but also that we are currently without job prospects.

Featured Image by Emily Fahey / Heights Editor

September 7, 2014