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Structural Changes To ‘The Heights’

‘The Heights’ changes production process for print edition, bringing together content of all sections on front page.

This first print edition of The Heights in 2015 reflects several structural changes that have been designed to provide greater clarity and convenience to readers of our print issue. Beginning this year, content chosen to be featured on the front page will be reconsidered with the intention of bringing readers more relevant stories, pooling together items from the News, Features, Metro, Sports, and Arts sections. This change was made with the aim of reflecting the diverse interests of our readership—major sports games, noteworthy musical performances, and events in the city of Boston will now supplement, and add variety to, our traditional news coverage on our front page.

We plan to bring readers the top stories in a quick and efficient manner by featuring them on the most visible place on the paper, our front page. This change follows the current practices of most major professional news publications, and, in the past, The Heights has already employed this strategy of featuring the most key stories, regardless of section focus, such as the Feb. 20, 2014 front page that highlighted men’s basketball’s upset of No. 1 Syracuse under the headline “Upstate Upset.”

Subsequently, the changes occurring now formalize practices already partially in place, intermingling content in a way similar to how it is managed on the homepage of our website. Also important to note is the fact that, despite the absence of front pages for the Metro and Features sections, the content rooted in these sections remains an integral part of our paper. This content can be found, along with News content, throughout the “A” section of the print issue, across the front, back, and inner pages. It is our hope that, through these changes, we can reorient our production process to better address the demands of our readers.

Featured Image by Arthur Bailin / Heights Editor

January 15, 2015