Editorials, Opinions

Lower’s Uninstalled Printers Are Wasted Money

The promise for printers in Corcoran Commons has been a recurring theme in presidential campaigns for the Undergraduate Government of Boston College over the last couple of years. And, while this year’s administration has been successful in actually obtaining the equipment via Information Technology Services, they have, as of yet, been unsuccessful in installing the equipment where it belongs. Along with issues related to how the printers will impact aesthetics in Lower, the larger problem is finding electrical outlets, wireless Internet routers, and zoning laws to align to allow for the installation.

While these are understandable setbacks, they are issues that should have been addressed before the printers themselves were purchased. Without installing the printers, the administration and UGBC are essentially sitting on dead money—they were purchased with money from Information Technology Services, and expenditure from this budget should be used to benefit the BC community. More transparency from the University on the hold up should be an immediate fix—students should know why an advancement promised almost two months ago still has not come to fruition.

Members of UGBC who were involved expected the printers to be installed Sept. 1. They were able to hold up their end of the bargain, yet the University has delayed their efforts. The printers will hopefully be installed at the beginning of next semester, executive vice president Olivia Hussey said. This Executive Council should be commended for their ability to get the printers, yet this is only half the battle—the connectivity and installation issues are another issue still to be solved.

Correction: the printers were purchased with the Information Technology Services budget, not money from the Student Activities Fee.

Featured Image by Francisco Ruela / Heights Graphic

October 28, 2015