Editorials, Opinions

OIP Shows Strong Response After Paris Attacks

On Friday, Paris was shattered by a terrorist attack. More than 120 people died and more than 350 were injured in a highly coordinated attack, with strikes hitting across the city at the Stade de France, the Bataclan concert hall, and multiple restaurants. The investigation into Friday’s events and those behind it is still ongoing, though the Islamic State has taken responsibility for the attack.

Of those, some were American, including a 23-year-old college student, Nohemi Gonzalez, from California State University, Long Beach.

A few hours after the attack, Nick Gozik, the director of the Office of International Programs (OIP), confirmed that all of the 37 Boston College students studying abroad in Paris are safe. Gozik said that on-site coordinator Ophelie Landrin, has reached out to and received responses from all of the students just after the attacks. University Spokesperson Jack Dunn managed to promptly confirm the safety of the students. A release online noted that coordinators in other parts of Europe have been checking in on BC students as well.

The staff at OIP should be applauded for providing information about the safety of BC students so soon after the attack. This prompt response allowed the vital information to be passed along to the student body and the general public within a few hours of the news breaking. Going forward, OIP should continue to ensure that all students traveling abroad—especially to major world cities that could be more vulnerable to attack—are briefed on the procedures to follow in an instance of terrorism or other emergency.

Featured Image by The Associated Press

November 16, 2015