Editorials, Opinions

The Editors Give Thanks

I’m thankful for my sister and parents, for Shannon, for my friends at 55 East 84th Street and 140 Commonwealth Avenue, and for the merciful end of the college football season.

—Michael Sullivan, Sports Editor


I’m thankful for my family, roommates, and the memories I’ve made over three years on The Heights.

—Christopher Stadtler, General Manager


I would like to thank overalls for being both pants and an apron, Father Michael for quoting Drake in soul-healing homilies, BrieCheese for the first words I heard at college being “You look sweaty,” resulting in the longest friendship I’ve had on this campus, The Heights for surrounding me with smart weirdos who accepted me (frog-killer, scab-picker, and all) and put up with all the “I hate you Dowd”‘s (who I really don’t hate, not even a little), and for all my friends & family (potatoes, linditas, & of course chichi) for encouraging me every day to be my nutty self. I love you all.

—Breck Wills, Graphics Editor


I’m thankful for this family, grumpy cat, and our endless discussions about absolutely anything—be it Kanye’s lifestyle choices, Kylo Ren’s origins, or the benefits of a midfield diamond. But, perhaps most importantly, I’m thankful for how it welcomed me with open arms. It’s been a hell of a ride, may it never end.

—Juan Olavarria, Editorial Assistant


I am thankful for country music, Fuel coffee, Bapst, the Chocolate Bar, the Bar in my apartment, wandering into the city, the good ol’ state of Minnesota, and the loyal friends who have made Wednesday nights at The Heights enjoyable over the past two-and-a-half years. Oh, and my family.

—Bennet Johnson, Metro Editor


I’m thankful for family dinners, Pillow Pets, Sauvignon Blanc, the vaguely similar blondes of 505, purple pea coats, and InDesign CS2. Most importantly, I’m thankful for The Heights—I’m forever indebted to it for the people it put into my life and the confidence and humbleness it taught me.

—Maggie Powers, Managing Editor


I’m thankful for everyone on The Heights and Men’s Crew team as well as my family: Dan, Jacquelyn and Kristen.

—Evan Gatti, Collections Manager


I’m thankful for family group messages, functioning ankles, the ladies of 15A, the fourth floor of Lyons and the first floor of Devlin, the city of Paris, and the incomparable (and insane) opportunity of calling The Heights my home for three years.

—Julie Orenstein, A1 Editor


I’m thankful for the clear blue sky, my crappy bike, and a beautiful 30-mile boardwalk on the beach. I’m thankful for Quentin Tarantino, Star Wars, and all the soulful melodies that get me from one day to the next. Most of all, I’m thankful for my family and friends. They are the light of my life. This would be a dark and terrible world without each and every one of them.

—Chris Fuller, Assoc. Arts & Review Editor


I am thankful for black turtlenecks, vanilla iced coffee, the virtual world of Walsh 320, the drop in “Hannah Hunt,” and all the squids in my squad, in Boston and Bethesda.

—Carolyn Freeman, News Editor


I am thankful for DoorDash because otherwise I would starve, for ginger ale (aka gingy) being my best friend Saturday/Sunday mornings, for the kale blend in the salad bar at Eags but not the salad line itself, for Frida Kahlo and Kourtney Kardashian, for my actual friends, for fall sangria and for my entire family who needs to just chill on Instagram.

—Jessica Turkmany, Advertising Manager


I’m thankful for family, friends, food, football, and Jurgen Klopp.

—Jack Stedman, Assoc. Sports Editor


I am thankful for coffee, faux leather jackets, my sophomore Intro to Feminisms course, and the fact that I’m legally allowed to drink wine with Thanksgiving dinner which makes political debates with extended family members more tolerable. I’m thankful for The Heights for helping me to grow as a writer and realize what I want to do for the rest of my life.

—Summer Lin, Asst. Arts & Review Editor


I’m thankful for red pens, the inhabitants of 501 Walsh, supporters of the Oxford comma, Chris Fuller’s wardrobe choices, and the home that is 113 McElroy.

—Magdalen Sullivan, Copy Editor


I’m thankful for lentil soup, lindas, lemons, and the ladies of 32G. I’m also thankful for alliteration, matching pajama sets, tildes, mornings spent in Johnny’s booths, afternoons on Newbury Street, and midnight walks home from production. Above all, this year I’m giving thanks for a less than spotless office and the tremendous group of people who have spent entirely too much time in it.

—Sarah Moore, Asst. Metro Editor


I am thankful for caffeine, the Oxford comma, reading and writing (apologies to arithmetic), Clarks and ‘stocks (though not simultaneously), the Green Bay Packers, Bon Iver, and my parents, sister, four brothers, three in-laws, two nephews, one beagle, and the family of 40 that is The Heights for dealing with all my corinsanity (read: hilarity and sentimentality) for the past two years.

—Corinne Duffy Features Editor


I’m thankful for the boys of 66, perfect Scene covers, stet, muffins, 99-cent Arnold Palmers, and all the people who make Wednesdays and Sundays the best days of my week.

—Alec Greaney, Assoc. Copy Editor


I’m thankful for Word’s autosave function, the quick and painless process that is finding an internship in financial services, and the various student groups on campus (you know who you are) for organizing enough protests and walk-outs to keep the news section afloat. And also for the other two news editors ‘cause you guys are great.

—Gus Merrell, Assoc. News Editor


I am thankful for good coffee, vegan banana muffins at Fuel, having Fiorellas on speed dial, my family, friends that are like family, and for all of the people that have made the countless hours spent in McElroy 113 worthwhile.

—Arielle Cedeno, Asst. News Editor


I am thankful for my roommates, who are all ridiculously weird in the best (and some worst) ways possible and the Tuscan Chicken (preferably made by Maria).

—Keaton McAuliffe, Asst. Layout Editor


I’m thankful for the Maine House.

—Zach Wilner, On-Campus Advertising Manager


For Frank Occhiogrosso, my late next door neighbor, who served in World War II when he was 19, mowed his lawn until he was 92, and always let me sleigh down his backyard’s hill when it snowed.

—Ryan Daly, Opinions Editor


Ryan is thankful for his flannel lined jeans for keeping him warm, The National for keeping him sad, and The Heights for making him happy.

—Ryan Dowd, Arts & Review Editor


I’m thankful for my parents more than anything. They’re the reason I’m not living in a small wooden shack in the middle of the cruel Canadian wilderness. Everyone else, I’m probably thankful for you as well. Also, O’Neill library’s pretty great.

—Archer Parquette, Asst. Copy Editor


I am thankful for my family, friends, LinkedIn picture, and two of the greatest to ever grace South Florida: LeBron James and Juan Olavarria.

—Mujtaba Syed, Asst. Features Editor


I am thankful for the refine edge tool in Photoshop, Helvetica, and Mac late night, all of which come in handy in tough situations. In the end though, I am thankful for the great friends whose company make every production a pleasure and motivate me to always better myself and those around me.

—Francisco Ruela, Asst. Graphics Editor


I’m thankful for my great friends and family, potatoes in all its many forms, basketball, and The Office.

—Jack Powers, Account Manager


I’m thankful for this incredible journey that this twice-weekly has given me. For all my friends that put up with and still love Heights Kayla, for my family who read and shared every story, for the supportive and talented board members that give up a lot for this University, for Boston and for Lizzy the dog (the muses), for all of my English professors who pushed me be the writer I am today, and for my FLIP babies.

—Kayla Famolare, Outreach Coordinator


I’m thankful for my family, friends, and good health. But I’m especially thankful for Tom Brady having another MVP-type season and further proving he’s the GOAT.

—Russ Puleo, Project Coordinator


I am thankful for my mother, pasta, and Meek Mill (in that order).

—Tom DeVoto, Asst. Sports Editor


For change—and learning to love some things that never will.

—John Wiley, Editor-in-chief

Featured Image by Francisco Ruela / Heights Graphics

November 22, 2015