On Campus, News

For Students With On-Campus Parking, a Construction Problem

With the destruction of Edmond’s Hall, construction has caused shifts in parking for both students and faculty. The changes, which were implemented this semester, include moving parking spaces and increasing the number of general parking permits for faculty. The price of a parking pass has increased from $630 last semester to $643 this semester.

In the past, undergraduates were permitted to park in the Lower Lots. This year, however, the construction upheaved two of the parking lots adjacent to Edmond’s and the spaces on the road way.

Faculty, visitors, and staff are still permitted to park on Lower Campus. Additional general parking spaces for faculty and staff were added onto the second level of the Comm. Ave. garage. Reserved parking spots, which were previously located on the second floor, were moved to the seventh floor of the garage.

Because of the construction, undergraduates now park on the roof of the Beacon Street garage and in a lot near 2000 Comm. Ave. When 2000 was renovated last year, the University kept the existing three-story underground parking garage.

“It has been a lot of shifting people around as spaces were being lost,” said John Savino, BC’s transportation and parking manager.

Nick Muller, MCAS ’17, is frustrated with the changes in parking.

“It is really far for people who have to get places in the morning like nurses or athletes who have morning practice,” Muller said.

As a member of the rowing team, Muller finds that he has to wake up earlier, for an already early rowing practice schedule, to walk from Lower to 2000.

“It is also frustrating because the Mod Lot is not always full, and then on weekends it’s empty, but I can’t park there,” Muller said.

While it has only been two weeks since the parking changes were implemented, Savino believes that the changes have been successful so far, despite some student dissent.

“So far, so good,” he said. “It seems … that everyone has been finding a parking spot.”

Featured Image by Francisco Ruela / Heights Staff

September 8, 2016