Letters To The Editor, Opinions

LTE: Dean of Students Thomas Mogan Pens Open Letter in Response to Parking Sign Slur

Dear Boston College Students,

As you may be aware, at some point on late Saturday afternoon or early evening, an unknown individual or individuals vandalized a sign in the parking lot on Lower Campus to spell out a hateful and derogatory slur directed toward members of the LGBT community.

Boston College takes this very seriously and, as the Dean of Students, I would like to make it clear that Boston College does not tolerate acts of intolerance and hate toward any individuals or groups of individuals in our campus community. The Boston College Police Department is currently investigating this incident. This act clearly represents a violation of our sense of campus community and of the Student Code of Conduct, and will be treated as such. We are working to identify the perpetrators of this incident and, if identified and found responsible, they will be held accountable through our conduct process. If the perpetrators are not Boston College students, they could be charged criminally and trespassed from our campus. I encourage you to contact BCPD at 617-552-4440 if you have any information that may be helpful to their investigation.

If you have been impacted by this incident and you wish to speak with someone, please know that the Office of the Dean of Students is here to provide you with support and assistance. Please call us at 617-552-3470, email us at deanofstudents@bc.edu, or stop by to visit us in Maloney Hall, Suite 448.


Tom Mogan

Associate Vice President / Dean of Students

Featured Image by Tatiana Petrovick / Heights Archives

September 21, 2016

2 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “LTE: Dean of Students Thomas Mogan Pens Open Letter in Response to Parking Sign Slur”

  1. ” …..I would like to make it clear that Boston College does not tolerate acts of intolerance…..” Do college officials and students not see the irony of this statement?