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‘The Gavel’ to Print Magazine Once a Semester

The Gavel, which describes itself as “the progressive student voice of Boston College,” announced on Thursday that it will launch a once-a-semester magazine that will be printed this month, according to an editorial written by the publication’s editor-in-chief, Meg Loughman, MCAS ’19.

Tue Tran, BC ’11, founded the publication in 2009. He had previously worked for The Heights for two years as a layout editor. Five years later, the paper discontinued its print edition due to a lack of funding. The Gavel did not respond to a request for comment regarding its current source of funding.

“As a publication founded on the need to ‘re-energize campus dialogue, especially on issues that are not being talked about,’ we are always aiming to amplify the progressive student voices on our campus,” Loughman wrote.

To accommodate the return to print, The Gavel is reshaping its editorial board through the addition of a “Print Editor.” It’s also changed the position of “Online Manager” to “Digital Editor,” and recently moved into new office space in McElroy Commons.

“As a publication whose lifespan has seen less than a decade, we’re pretty proud of the strides that we have made over the past few years,” Loughman wrote. “Our immense progress reflects the countless hours of hard worked logged by board and staff— both past and present.”

Featured Image by Celine Lim / Heights Staff

April 20, 2018