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Three Teams File to Run for UGBC Presidency, Executive Vice Presidency

Three teams filed to run for Undergraduate Government of Boston College President and Executive Vice President Wednesday night.

The candidates for president will be Reid Aguilar, MCAS ’22; Taylor Jackson, MCAS ’21; and Michael Osaghae, chair of the AHANA+ Leadership Council and MCAS ’20.

Aguilar’s running mate will be David Crowley, CSOM ’22. Matthew Owens, CSOM ’22, will run Aguilar and Crowley’s campaign, while Thomas Brooks, MCAS ’22, will run the team’s social media efforts.

Jackson’s running mate will be Alejandro Perez, a UGBC senator and MCAS ’21. Elizabeth LoPrieato, MCAS ’21, will run Jackson and Perez’s campaign, while Kyle Rosenthal, CSOM ’21, will run the team’s social media efforts.

Osaghae’s running mate will be Tiffany Brooks, a UGBC senator and MCAS ’21. Kalkidan Tadesse, a UGBC senator and MCAS ’21, will run Osaghae and Brooks’ campaign, while Adin Henderson, MCAS ’21, will run the team’s social media efforts.

This election cycle will also feature a referendum question: Should Boston College withhold investments from the fossil fuel industry. UGBC voted to pass a resolution requesting that BC divest from fossil fuels in April 2018. The University did not act on that request at the time, and is not obligated to do so regardless of whether UGBC makes the request or if students vote yes on the referendum.

More details regarding the teams’ platforms are being released by the UGBC elections committee on Thursday.

January 30, 2019