Month: September, 2019

Both Humanities and STEM Majors are Necessary and Valid
Opinions, Column

Both Humanities and STEM Majors are Necessary and Valid

As an English major, I know I’m not the first to experience the stigma surrounding the humanities. The age-old judgment seems to be that the humanities are simply easier than STEM. There’s just less work—not every question has one right answer, so many answers can be perceived to be correct. Even now, as I attend…

First, Be a Man or Woman for Yourself
Opinions, Column

First, Be a Man or Woman for Yourself

What does it mean to be a Boston College student? This was the question that instructors posed to me my first week here at BC. This is the question that all new freshmen are asked when they come and sit down on the squeaky red chairs of McGuinn 121 during their orientation session. This is…

Mass. E-Cigarette Sale Ban Fails to Sufficiently Prepare Businesses
Editorials, Opinions, News

Mass. E-Cigarette Sale Ban Fails to Sufficiently Prepare Businesses

As of Sept. 24, Massachusetts temporarily banned sales of all electronic cigarette products, per a public health emergency declared by Governor Charlie Baker. The ban followed an outbreak of 805 vaping-related illnesses and 12 vaping-related deaths across the country. At the time of publication, Massachusetts accounted for 61 of those illnesses. The science on the…

Pouring a Pot of Coffee for Peace
Metro, Food

Pouring a Pot of Coffee for Peace

“I believe, by the way, that peace will come only from gathering like this and not from our leaders,” said Nir Caspi, the founder of Cafe Landwer. “The idea is to create this environment in each state, in each city…” 

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