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Suspicious Man Seen Looking Into Kostka Hall Windows​

The Boston College Police Department is actively searching for a suspicious male who was seen looking into windows at Kostka Hall on Sunday night around 10:33 p.m., according to the BCPD blotter. 

BCPD published a statement on Facebook, which stated that the man was white with a red beard, between 25 and 35 years old, and approximately 5-foot-7. He was last spotted dressed in a white sweatshirt, red baseball hat, black pants, and black shoes.

In the same report, BCPD encouraged students to call the police if they see suspicious individuals, to call for help if they do not feel safe, and to not approach anyone they believe to be suspicious.

The department also recommended locking all doors and windows and keeping blinds drawn.

BCPD did not immediately respond for comment.

This article will be updated.

Photo by Celine Lim/Heights Editor

October 9, 2019