News, Administration, Top Story, On Campus

Guma and Atinizian Win UGBC Pres., VP Election by 18 Votes

Christian Guma, CSOM ’21, and Kevork Atinizian, CSOM ’22, will be the next Undergraduate Government of Boston College president and vice president, winning 850 of 2,988 votes, or 28 percent, in Tuesday’s election.

The Elections Committee, which runs UGBC elections, deducted 65 votes from the vote total of Czar Sepe, MCAS ’21, and Jack Bracher, MCAS ’22, who came in second place. The committee removed 25 votes from Guma and Atinizian’s total—meaning that more students voted for Sepe and Bracher, and campaign violations made the difference in the election.

“I don’t know what to say,” Guma said moments after he informed his campaign team of his victory to the tune of “Hail to the Chief.” “I think that this was a great race run by four phenomenal teams. I think that regardless of which team won this race, this school was going to be just fine.”

Guma and Atinizian beat out three other teams, winning by a margin of 18 votes. Sepe and Bracher received 832 votes. John Gehman, MCAS ’21, and Leonardo Escobar, MCAS ’22, came in third at 746 votes, while Dennis Wieboldt and Lorenzo Leo, both MCAS ’23, came in last with 365 votes.

“I think Kevork and I are ready to take on these new positions, ready to take on the challenges, and ready to begin making the Heights home for every single student,” Guma said.

Each team was sanctioned at least once. Sepe and Bracher were sanctioned twice, losing 25 votes for receiving a podcast endorsement and 40 votes for negative campaigning. Guma and Atinizian were sanctioned for improper posting of campaign materials in residence halls and for sending unsolicited GroupMe messages, losing 25 votes for the unsolicited messages. 

Guma and Atinizian’s signature campaign policy is their promise to reject the stipends traditionally awarded to executive members of UGBC. They have also promised to implement student discounts on Uber and Lyft and to draft a plan for an LGBTQ+ student resource center and present it to Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore on day one.

Based on fall enrollment numbers, turnout for the election came in at roughly 31 percent of the undergraduate population, a 5 percent increase from last year’s election, in which only two teams competed.

Featured Image by Molly Bankert / Heights Staff

February 11, 2020