Editorials, Opinions

What ‘The Heights’ Is Thankful For

Even during a pandemic, there is still much to be grateful for. The Heights editors shared what they are most grateful for below:

Colleen Martin: I’m thankful for this newspaper, and for everyone I’ve met while making it.

Sophie Lu: I’m thankful for BC football, inside jokes with friends, and all the little moments of normalcy that remind me that despite how chaotic the world feels, we’re all going to be alright. 

Abby Hunt: I am thankful for eating burrito bowls and responding to our office polls, for walking through the office door and working the Mac 1 floor, for reading through “Your Friday Update” and living with a Heights roommate. I am thankful for Mac 113 on Sunday nights and these past three years on The Heights.

Brooke Kaiserman: I’m thankful for the past three years on this magical paper called The Heights, and how it made BC feel like home more than anything else. I’m thankful to the best friends I’ve made here—especially in the Mag section—whose friendships I know will last for years to come. I’m thankful for the Final Four and our wacky conversations at 3:00 a.m., and most of all, I’m thankful for Matt Del Negro and Scott Baker’s car.

Scott Baker: I’m thankful for my ducky socks, my econ socks, graphs, and my sense of style. I’m thankful for long hours in the Heights office, the coffee that makes it possible, and the friends that make it worth it. I thought this was going to be a horrible year, and so I’m most thankful for Megan, Maddy, Julia, and the few others who proved me wrong.

Emma Healy: I’m thankful for college football, my three lovely roommates, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, postcards to and from my family, and almond milk in my coffee. I’m beyond thankful for Mac 113, the endless hours i’ve spent in it this past year, and the relationships I’ve built as a result. 

Jillian Ran: I’m thankful for two indescribably wonderful years on The Heights. I’m thankful that despite the chaos of the past eight months, there have been unexpected upsides—more time with my family and the opportunity to reconnect with old friends.

Maeve Reilly: I am thankful for the wonderful Magazine section, love you Danny and Anna (and honorary Brooke). I am thankful for my siblings—who are strong and wonderful in every way—and I am thankful for my roommates who make Foster feel like home. But most importantly, I’m thankful for text wrapping graphics on InDesign, the purest form of joy.

Julia Remick: I’m thankful for my family, friends, and roommates who made this semester special despite all of the obstacles. I’m especially thankful for my time on The Heights and all of the amazing people and laughs that it has brought me. I’m also thankful for green tea, pumpkin mochi, and sunny days.

Owen Fahy: I’m thankful that I was able to attend school in-person this semester, that I was able to get through a difficult year with a great group of people, and that things are looking up for next year.

Maggie DiPatri: I’m thankful for my family, walks to Dunkin with my roommates, memories made on Lower, hours spent in Eagle’s Nest, One Direction, and all of the people who have made this crazy year a great one.

Haley Hockin: I’m thankful for the Heights for giving me my roommate, for BC’s breakfast potatoes, for grammar memes, for Scott playing “All Too Well” three times in a row at 1 a.m. in the office, and for all my new friends on the Heights. I also love my dog and my family, they’re the greatest. 

Gretchen Haga: I’m thankful for my amazing family and friends, who have made this difficult year bearable. I’m also thankful for Trader Joe’s, Cape Cod, Liverpool winning the Premier League, and the Beyond sausage sandwich at Dunkin’. 

Éamon Laughlin: I’m thankful for the changing of the seasons, raccoon videos from my dad, and The Heights for showing me the world of journalism and media in a way I hadn’t seen before, changing the path I wanted to take with my life.

Stephanie Liu: I’m thankful that no one in my immediate circles have been seriously affected by COVID and I’m thankful that I still got to be on campus my senior year.

Madeleine Romance: I’m thankful for last year in Walsh 124, my family, my dogs, watching the leaves change in front of Gasson, quarantine pictionary with Scott, Megan, and Julia, and for the opportunity to be part of this newspaper, and all the talented and supportive people I’ve met because of it 🙂

Megan Kelly: I’m thankful for Rat iced coffee, late nights in the Heights office, friends, family, conversations in a Pino’s Pizza booth, and Taylor Swift. I am also thankful for every member of the Heights board, who have been a perpetual light in what would otherwise have been a dark year. 

Olivia Charbonneau: I’m thankful for matcha from CoRo, sunsets at the Res, and the stuffed Eagle I got from RHA last year. I’m thankful for everyone I’ve met through The Heights and all the experiences that I’ve had because of it. I’m thankful for my family and my dog Sebastian who is the cutest bestest little boy and I’m thankful for my roommates who have been there for me during this wacky semester. 

Asa Ackerly: I’m thankful for Phil Jurkovec, FIFA, pretty bike rides, and everybody on the Heights who has made this crazy year possible.

Nathan Rhind: I’m thankful for my roommates, friends, fellow board members, and family, all of whom I can rely on for support when the going gets tough. I’m also thankful for runs and walks around the reservoir.

Danny Flynn: I’m thankful for my walks to and from class, the changing colors of the trees, chicken chili, Mario Party on the Switch, cloudy days, Liverpool FC, Pino’s, and that InDesign trick where you put the picture in the block text (eat it, Maeve). But most importantly, I’m thankful for all my friends and family who have supported me day in and day out.

Anna Lonnquist: I’m thankful for all my roommates and friends who have made this year the best it can be, Maeve and Danny for always humbling me, City Biking with Haley, Trader Joe’s Chili Lime Chips, and my family. 

Lauren Wittenmyer: I’m thankful for the Duchesne hill, my roommate’s nespresso machine, my friends and family, and a great first year on The Heights

Ikram Ali: I am thankful for my roommates for always being willing to scream the bridge of “All Too Well”, my family for being my rock and every single member of The Heights for making my BC experience unforgettable!

Jess Rivilis: I’m thankful for Trader Joe’s, cold brew, and photographing in an empty Alumni Stadium. I’m thankful for my family and friends and that I get have my last year at BC in person. I’m especially thankful for the lovely Mac 113 and the countless hours I spent there.

Julia Kiersznowski: I’m thankful for milkshakes at Johnny’s, the Res at sunset, Stayer Hall, and pineapples. I’m also thankful for my wonderful roommates for making BC feel like home, my family for always being there for me, my copy squad (and Rachel’s TikToks) for making production days the best days, and Scott, Maddy, and Megan for being just as passionate about “All Too Well” as I am.

Rachel Phelan: I am thankful for my amazing, supportive friends and family, and that everyone in my life is healthy. I am thankful for visits from my dog, Reese’s peanut butter cups, chai lattes, and the hours that I spend on TikTok. I am thankful that I get to call The Heights home, and that I have made some of my best friends in Mac 113. 

Eric Shea: I am thankful for my family, friends, roommates and for my time with The Heights, my time on the Heights, blueberry muffins from Lower, the Margot Connell Recreation center, Manchester United, the Indianapolis Colts, and El Pelon. 

A group of Heights editors who are committed to participating in the consistent writing of editorials comprise the editorial board. Editors who report on topics discussed in editorials are not permitted to participate in the discussion or writing of the editorial.

Members: Owen Fahy, Maddy Romance, Maeve Reilly, Lauren Wittenmyer, Maggie DiPatri, Grace Mayer, Rachel Phelan, Gabriel Wallen, and Olivia Franceschini.

Featured Image by Meegan Minahan and Olivia Charbonneau

November 19, 2020