TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of March 22

Thumbs Up:

  • First Week of Spring
    • This Saturday marked the first day of spring, and hopefully is a sign of warmer weather to come. While Boston winters are a staple, Boston College students are all ready to ditch the layers and piles of snow on the side of the road. 
  • COVID-19 Vaccinations
    • Massachusetts’ COVID-19 vaccination rollout is underway and vaccines will be available to individuals all eligible individuals by April 19. There is finally light at the end of the tunnel for a normal summer and fall semester. 

Thumbs Down:

  • Midterms Month
    • Midterms week at BC is a drawn out and grueling process that lasts for about a month. Having one or two monumental assignments due each week for this extended period of time is exhausting and can lead to complete burnout halfway through the semester.  
  • Spring Fever
    • Speaking of burnout, the warm weather and high hopes for vaccinations makes it feel like the semester is over, but it’s not. BC is nearing the finish line, but there are still piles of work to hurdle before it’s truly time to relax. Unfortunately, Canvas and island time don’t go hand in hand. 

Featured image by Allyson Mozeliak / Heights Editor

March 21, 2021