Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week Of Dec. 13

Thumbs Up: 

  • Phil Jurkovec returns 
    • Superfans across campus had cause to celebrate on Monday with the announcement of Phil Jurkovec’s return to the Heights for his senior season. After an injury that left him out for half of the season, returning and incoming students alike will be happy to welcome Jurkovec back with open arms next year. With head coach Jeff Hafley’s five-year contract extension as well, things seem to be looking up for the Eagles right about now. 
  • Course Evaluations Open 
    • The sweet, sweet smell of honest feedback floated through students’ emails with the announcement that course evaluations had opened on Tuesday. Course evaluations are the perfect place to show some love to the classes that you actually wanted to get out of bed for and the best place to offer up some extremely constructive criticism for those that made you want to make like an eagle and fly away. As an added bonus, the earlier you answer, the earlier you get access to your grades. So sort through those unread emails and start evaluating. But remember, curb your enthusiasm on those less-than-positive reviews—no need to make any professors cry. 

Thumbs Down: 

  • Snow No Mo’ 
    • Depending on which part of the country you hail from, the Wednesday-night snowfall that lightly coated campus in a splotchy layer of white was either an exhilarating novelty or a slushy reminder that the worst is yet to come. While all seems merry and bright when the world is wrapped in white, the melt of the next morning left snow-deprived students feeling unsatisfied and snow-weary students reminding themselves that this is only the beginning. 
  • Tricky Travel Plans 
    • With the University moving into finals week, drawing closer and closer to the heyday of the holidays, the mayhem at the airports is bound to return as all of humanity creeps out of the woodwork to clog TSA lines and drive Uber prices up the wall. If you haven’t already booked flights or trains home, then suffice it to say, you’re sorely behind. Better start looking for a cozy spot in O’Neill to camp out over break. And for those of you on top of your game, schedule your Uber to the airport… now.
December 10, 2021