Newton, Metro

Music, Food, Shopping: WinterFEST Comes to Newton

Newton Community Pride (NCP) will hold its first WinterFEST, a city-wide event built around winter-themed, family-friendly gatherings, in Newton Highlands, Cold Spring Park, and Newton Centre on Feb. 12 and 13. 

“This brand-new event will provide free and accessible family entertainment, whimsy and winter fun for all to enjoy,” Gloria Gavris, board chair of NCP, said in a release

NCP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to arts and culture programs in the City of Newton.

The inspiration for the event came from seeing other cold weather cities and towns have winter carnivals and festivals, Gavris said in the release.

Blair Sullivan, executive director of NCP, said that, despite heightened COVID-19 concerns associated with the Omicron variant, all events will still take place.

”We were excited that nothing really had to change because of the surge in cases,” she said. “Because everything is outside, we’ve been able to carry on with our original plans, which is wonderful.”

Newton’s WinterFEST will include a wide variety of music, food, and shopping, as well as other outdoor activities. 

Hyde Playground will host a community soup social, where local restaurants will serve soup to community members, on Feb. 12. Newton-based band The Porch Rockers, and Newton North High School’s Melocotones, the school’s co-ed a cappella group, will perform during the event.

WinterFEST will also host the Winter Walk, a 1.5-mile hike in Cold Spring Park, on the morning of Feb. 13. Hot chocolate and coffee will be served afterward. 

Later that afternoon at Newton Centre’s village green, Newton residents can buy crafts, chocolates, and other gifts at a winter pop-up shop. The event will showcase a live ice sculpting demonstration while Boston College a cappella group The Acoustics performs.

“We want this to be a success,” Sullivan said. “We are really excited for the community to come check out these events and hope they have a great time.”

Featured Graphic by Liz Schwab / Heights Editor

January 31, 2022