Thumbs Up:
- Last Week of Classes
- Fourteen weeks of school down and only one to go! It’s time to say goodbye to small talk with the classmate you only sort of know, the anxiety of whether you’re going to be cold called, and the pain of rolling out of bed at 8:42 a.m. for your 9 a.m. class. That’s right, the final push has arrived. As grateful as we are for what we have learned this semester, we’re all ready for a much-deserved break. So let’s finish strong—we’re almost there!
- Holiday Cheer
- Deck the Heights with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la. With Christmas trees popping up in dorm windows, holiday music streaming out of the dining halls, and cheer spreading across campus, it finally feels like the holiday season. Despite finals quickly approaching, spirits are high and smiles are big. Students look forward to their study day trips to Snowport, late night secret Santa exchanges, and stuffing their roommates’ stockings with all sorts of absurd trinkets. From us at The Heights to you, we hope you have a warm and happy Winter Break!
Thumbs Down:
- What Happened to the Christmas Tree?
- If you’ve spent any time on Herrd in the last few days, you are familiar with the great Christmas tree disaster of 2022. Many students—already expressing disappointment on the app about the multicolored lights—were heartbroken to see half the lights pitifully go out on Saturday night. Cries of “why can’t we have nice things?” echoed through the halls of O’Neill as students peered out at what looked like a multicolored pole on the quad.
- No Snow!
- With temperatures dropping into the 30s, BC students—especially those new to the New England cold—are pulling out big coats and pom pom hats. But what’s the point of the cold if your teeth aren’t chattering under beautiful clouds of white? Yes, the flurries might mean you have to add a few minutes to your trek to class, but with December well upon us, it’s about time! There’s nothing that makes Gasson look more breathtaking than those fluffy blankets of snow.