TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Feb. 12

Thumbs Up:

  • Study Abroad, Here We Come!
    • After weeks of anxious waiting and one frustrating “hang in there” email from the Office of Global Education (OGE), sophomores took a collective sigh of relief when they saw their study abroad decisions come out this past Friday. With 70 percent of the class getting their first choice, OGE has created many giddy world travelers to be. As this semester presses on, dreams of future adventures are taking hold in the minds of Boston College sophomores. So look out Dublin, Madrid, Santiago, Seoul, and more—here comes the Class of 2025!
  • Nice Weather? In February?
    • Just one week ago, we at Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down suggested that February was the worst month of the year. Bad weather, bad holidays, and bad vibes felt inevitable at the start of the month. Yet, despite our accusations, this February has (at least) one major redeeming quality: it has featured several days with breezy, mid-50s weather. We weren’t expecting to break out our light flannels so early in the year, but this switch is a joyous one—even if frigid days still slightly outnumber the bearable ones.

Thumbs Down:

  • Football + Orgo ≠ Happy Students
    • As if organic chemistry exams aren’t bad enough on their own, the timing of this semester’s exam schedule could not have been worse: major orgo exams are happening the day after the Super Bowl for many Eagles. These exams become a campus-wide phenomenon, with the stress of the class infiltrating all of the concerned friends of pre-med and biochemistry majors. For students looking forward to spending their Sunday evening watching the game with their friends, they faced a predicament of where to take the “L” this weekend. Here’s hoping the only loss was for a team, and not for our orgo warriors.
  • Conte’s Finishing Blemishes
    • Construction along Lower Campus began over seven months ago for the Hoag Basketball Pavilion, and it shows no signs of stopping—or getting any prettier. Regardless of the building’s eventual utility or glamor, it’s currently an obstructive eyesore for thousands of students. For months, Eagles using the Million Dollar Stairs have had to play the “will they, won’t they?” game to see whether or not the staircase is closed due to construction. Even when all paths are open, it doesn’t help that students must endure the construction’s dirt and dust to fight their 9 a.m. demons.
February 12, 2023