TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Feb. 19

Thumbs Up:

  • Soul Mates? Marriage Pact Is Back!
    • With Valentine’s Day having come and gone, students were scared the infamous Boston College Marriage Pact may have become a thing of the past. Their fears were eased, however, when the Pact returned with full force over the last weekend. With questions ranging from eating habits to possible wedding scenarios, the algorithm does its best to find your perfect BC match. Love is in the air on the Heights, as over 1,700 Eagles have submitted responses. Who knows? Your soul mate could be just around the corner. So, head over to bc.marriagepact.com and put your name in the hat before it’s too late!
  • Rihanna
    • After her incredible Super Bowl performance last weekend, Rihanna is living in our hearts and stuck in our heads. Iconic as ever, her songs have been infiltrating BC’s dorm rooms for the last week. From Super Smash Bros. memes to students’ AirPods blasting “Famous” as they walk to class, Eagles can’t seem to get her off their minds. And there’s nothing wrong with this at all—if nothing else, we could all use the reminder to “shine bright like a diamond” every once in a while.

Thumbs Down:

  • Midterms Week, Part One of 1000
    • At BC, a 15-week semester features about 10 weeks of so-called “midterms.” If they haven’t started for you yet, these next two weeks are sure to bring a surge of papers, exams, projects, and presentations. And while many professors kindly try to give us a “chill” Spring Break, March 3 has become a dumping ground for about a million of these stressful tests. No matter how overwhelming it can be, remember that you have done it before and you can do it again! So, let’s take a deep breath and know we are doing the best we can.
  • Presidents Day
    • Despite Presidents Day being a national holiday, Massachusetts is one of few states that still holds class. Federal offices, courts, and post offices are closed, but schools across the state are open for business. Unlike some of our friends at college in other states, BC students have to pull themselves out of bed for their 9 a.m. classes on this holiday. An occasional three-day weekend works wonders for the sleep schedules and to-do lists of college students. So yes, we are a bit grumpy about the lack of a day off of school.
February 19, 2023