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‘The Heights’ Endorses Jordan Nakash and Yosan Tewelde for UGBC President and Vice President

The Heights endorses Jordan Nakash, MCAS ’24, and Yosan Tewelde, MCAS ’24, for 2023–24 Undergraduate Government of Boston College president and vice president. 

After examining the two teams’ policy platforms and holding an in-depth meeting with each ticket, The Heights Editorial Board found that Nakash and Tewelde are best equipped to effectively lead UGBC in the upcoming school year. 

Nakash and Tewelde communicated as a team and responded to questions with moving sincerity, demonstrating a commitment to their three pillars: dedication, collaboration, and unification. 

Through their concise policy platform, the two look to uplift all BC students in a variety of ways, from calling for more single-stall, gender-neutral bathrooms to advocating for improved on-campus housing options for transfer students. They acknowledged the importance of continuing to pursue systematic change at BC but also prioritized small-scale, achievable goals.

Nakash and Tewelde’s opponents, Jonah Kotzen, MCAS ’24, and Meghan Heckelman, LSEHD ’25, created a long and comprehensive platform. The Heights recognizes that Kotzen and Heckelman are also strong leaders with impressive UGBC track records, and we hope they both continue serving the BC community. 

Still, Nakash’s long list of accomplishments and practical, charismatic leadership style leaves the board confident that her ticket is best equipped to improve the effectiveness of UGBC and build a greater BC. 

Nakash would be a strong head of BC’s undergraduate community. Her involvement both inside and outside of UGBC improves campus life—whether through leading the Caribbean Culture Club or working as a BAIC ambassador.

During her time as a Student Assembly (SA) representative, Nakash built a resume packed with initiatives that improved student life. She helped create several important measures, including the return of the grocery shuttle program, the laundry subsidy pilot program for Montserrat students, and the installation of water bottle fillers in Stokes Hall. These efforts demonstrate Nakash’s past commitment to meeting the needs of all BC students, and they serve as testimony that she could use her presidency to push the University forward.  

The editorial board is also confident that Tewelde can improve UGBC’s culture. In the meeting, Tewelde highlighted the need to revamp the way SA members are onboarded, and she made a strong case for how this can improve efficiency within the SA. She plans to work with Nakash to introduce a mentorship program for the SA, provide an already-complete guidebook to new members, and lead the assembly in a welcoming way. 

Nakash and Tewelde’s action-oriented approach to improving the University would extend to their conversations with those in charge: BC’s administrators. The candidates will adjust if given a “no” by University leaders. For example, if the University denies proposals such as Upper Campus accessibility projects or an LGBTQ+ resource center, Nakash and Tewelde promise to work around these decisions and implement other intermediary steps to improve student life. 

With a platform built on the desire to “Unite the Heights,” Nakash and Tewelde are committed to doing whatever it takes to improve students’ experience at BC. 

The Heights Editorial Board was impressed with Nakash and Tewelde’s approach to tackling the issues facing BC’s AHANA+ community. They want to focus on ensuring every student feels at home at BC, and they hope to be a voice for all of BC’s diverse communities. And that’s reflected in their platform. 

The two committed to hosting periodic town halls where they would discuss and respond to issues affecting campus and beyond. They would also consider opening those spaces to administrators—a move that would give more students an opportunity to hold the administrators that make decisions accountable.

They additionally call for the University to hire a full-time Rabbi and full-time Imam to better support Jewish and Muslim students on campus. Plus, they plan to advocate for the expansion of the Fr. Rutilio Grande Intercultural Experience Living & Learning Community. The two would work to build a campus that is more inclusive and engaging for every student. 

In their meeting with The Heights Editorial Board, Nakash and Tewelde spoke convincingly about their love for BC and its community. Nakash said she wants every student to have at least one thing they can love at BC, and her passion was palpable throughout the meeting.

Based on the ticket’s pragmatic approach to policy building, experience as leaders, and mission to build a place for every student at the University, The Heights believes that Nakash and Tewelde have the skills to best lead UGBC for the 2023–24 school year.

March 30, 2023