TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of April 2

Thumbs Up:

  • Quality Speakers Abound
    • From the Clough Colloquium’s lecture series to UGBC’s speaker sessions, Boston College has no shortage of prominent speakers showing up to campus. There’s something for everyone in the guests that visit the Heights—from powerful politicians to influential social media stars. Any undergraduate can learn something interesting from a guest lecturer or two. These speakers aren’t afraid to respond to student questions, either—the vast majority of them answer questions no matter how challenging they are.
  • Easter Break
    • In the midst of an all too stressful semester, the few days off that Easter Break provides could not be coming at a better time. Whether you spend the long weekend with family and friends or simply catch up on sleep in your dorm room, it is nice to have the mid-semester rest to come up for air. Make the most of your few days off—take a few deep breaths, eat good food, binge-watch your favorite TV show, hunt for Easter eggs, and prepare for the final push when we return!

Thumbs Down:

  • Course Selection
    • With the release of pick times, BC students are once again entering the dreadful period of course selection. As if the use of EagleApps is not painful enough on its own, we have to plan out three sets of back-up plans and schedule send emails to the professors of the classes we inevitably won’t get into. We are each probably on revision 10,001 of our four-year plan by now, and until the dust settles on add/drop week next semester, we will be on edge about each of our decisions. So take a breather and make sure you are cleared by your adviser, pick days are coming whether we like it or not.
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors—Stop Cutting in Line!
    • BC’s campus features beautiful buildings, spotless landscaping, and lots of lines. From dining hall lines to elevator lines to campus-wide event lines, we are waiting in formation … a lot. And yet, the most frustrating part of the waiting process is always the people who run up late just to jump in line with a friend ahead of you. It’s one thing to cut our fellow students in line—but when alumni, parents, and other visitors are around, it becomes extra annoying to inconvenience others. Come on guys, we are students for others—let’s act like it and stop our silly line-cutting habits!
April 2, 2023