Column, Opinions

BC Hot Takes: Voicing My Most Stubborn Opinions About Campus

Whether you believe green apples are better than red or winter is better than summer, we all have at least one hot take that constantly finds a way into our conversations. So, as the school year comes to a close, I think it is time to finally share some of the Boston College hot takes that have accumulated in the back of my mind over the past two years. After all, hot takes do make for some of the best discussions. 

1. BC spring is better than BC fall. 

Fall at BC means game days. We wake up early and race to the Mod Lot before flooding into Alumni Stadium decked out in maroon and gold. The BC tailgating tradition is like no other. Many students even choose to go abroad in the spring lest they miss the football-inspired spirit in the air. But, with four semesters under my belt, I would argue that spring semester at BC is better than the fall. Showdown, Marathon Monday, and the Beanpot all carry that same element of school spirit. But, it’s those first warm days—the days where the sun shines over students playing frisbee and spikeball and eating lunch on the Quad—when we see a whole new kind of spirit that simply cannot be beat.

2. Carney is a great building—and may even be the best building on campus.

We, as BC students, pride ourselves on our campus’ beautiful and aesthetic architecture. The gothic archways, symmetric columns, and green grass around campus are all pleasing to the eye. There is even an Instagram account dedicated solely to Gasson Hall that has over 8,000 followers. But what about Carney Hall? As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Carney’s hospital-style lighting and high school–hallway vibes are oddly calming. Its classrooms have the right amount of natural light and quietness—something Gasson’s just doesn’t. So, I say we should stop judging a book by its cover and give Carney the recognition it deserves. 

3. Walsh isn’t “more grimey” than Vandy or 90. 

“Beware the Walsh rats!” is an all too common BC refrain. When I was a freshman sharing my housing plans for sophomore year, my eight-man and I got this warning from everyone we told about our future Walsh Hall residence. We heard horror stories about the showers not working, the rugs having stains, and the air quality giving everything a “stuffy” smell—however that is even possible. But, after living in Walsh for a full year—with many of my friends in the supposedly-superior Vandy and 90—I can attest that Walsh is not much different from its favored competition. Walsh, Vandy, and 90 are all college dorms. Dorms. Not the Four Seasons. Every dorm room, regardless of where you live, is going to have its charmingly off-putting and off-puttingly charming aspects to it. It’s up to the residents to make a dorm room feel like home. 

Feel free to think what you want—everyone has a right to their own opinion—but these are three of my “BC hot takes” that I will stand by regardless of what you say to try and convince me I’m wrong. Start voicing your opinions around campus these last few weeks as well. It’s time to set the world aflame with our hot takes!

April 23, 2023