On Campus, Arts

Asinine Energizes Packed Crowd With a Witty Performance 

A loud crowd packed the seats of Fulton 511 on Saturday and Sunday night as Asinine Sketch and Improv Comedy took the stage for its show, “Yowch! Hot Stove.” Upbeat music blasted through the speakers as lively audience members trickled into the lecture hall, matching the enthusiastic crowd’s energy. 

Asinine kicked off its show by projecting a video sketch titled “69 Questions with Asinine” on two large screens in the room. The bit was a sexual spin on Vogue’s “73 Questions” video series and drew roaring laughter from BC students and even a few parents.

Members of Asinine then took the stage, and a sketch about Barbie gave start to the live performance segment of the show. The sketch featured Ken in an over-the-top blonde wig on a date with an inflatable doll named Roberta. Barbie then stormed onto the set demanding an explanation. The Mattel couple quarreled over the situation, and ultimately an enraged Barbie stabbed the air-filled doll.

Asinine kept the audience engaged throughout the show by interacting directly with the crowd. For one section of the show, the comedy group presented the crowd with the prompt “high school clubs” and asked audience members for suggestions on what clique it should interpret for the next sketch. 

After out-of-pocket and obscene propositions from the crowd, Asinine decided to act out a sketch featuring the “future doctors of America.” Malpractice Mark, a girl who learned all things medicine on television, and a soon-to-be art history major who wanted nothing to do with the sciences were some of the characters who made up the club. 

Asinine also made smart use of pop-culture references. Shout-outs to Grey’s Anatomy and The Secret History resulted in “yes” and “ooh” reactions from audience members. 

In an unexpected turn of events, one of the comedians, wearing red plaid pajamas, took hold of the microphone and started belting out “White Christmas.” The humorous yet surprisingly vocally gifted performer entertained the audience, while random videos of highways covered in snow played in the background. 

To end the show, Asinine solicited a raunchy game between performers and viewers titled “Sex With Me.” The audience enthusiastically shouted an array of random words, and Asinine members picked the best responses to lead its performance. A hubbub of giggling and shouting closed the performance in an energetic manner with the comedians dropping some of the show’s funniest lines.

“Sex with me is like Christmas,” an Asinine member said. “I sit on an older guy’s lap and tell him what I want.”

November 8, 2023