Men's Soccer, Fall, Sports

BC Beats Merrimack 1–0 Behind Ask Ekeland’s Game-Winner

Boston College men’s soccer headed into halftime scoreless for the first time this season in its Sunday game against Merrimack. 

Ask Ekeland answered the call for offense, catapulting BC (2–0–2) to a 1–0 win over Merrimack (1–2–0). 

The 1–0 win keeps BC unbeaten through the season’s first four games for the first time since 2019, when the team won nine games before losing in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. 

The game started quickly for BC with three shots in the game’s opening 5:37, which set the tone for what would be an all-out barrage on the Merrimack net. The Eagles took 15 shots in the first half alone, finishing the game with 26 shots to the Warriors’ six.

Merrimack goalkeeper Nelton Semedo refused to be beaten regardless of BC’s repeated attempts. Semedo made six saves in the first half, including a bottom-corner save just six seconds before the halftime whistle. 

BC started the second half the same way it ended the first by forcing Semedo to make a save 14 seconds into the half thanks to a shot from Leo Guarino. 

Nine minutes and two BC shots later, Xavier O’Neil found the ball at his feet and slotted a pass to Ekeland, who shot it low to goalkeeper Nelton Semedo’s left and into the back of the net. 

The goal was Ekeland’s second game-winner on the weekend and his fourth goal through four games. 

The Eagles refused to let up for the game’s closing 35 minutes. Marco Dos Santos forced a save from Semedo 75:34 into the game and Max Andrews forced a save eight minutes later.

Adam Abdelaal and Rocco DelGiudice managed shots in the closing minutes for the Warriors, but neither shot was on target. Merrimack finished with just one shot on goal in a dominant defensive performance for BC.

September 2, 2024

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