Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Sept. 8

Thumbs Up:

  • Winning Streak
    • Football season has officially begun, and the team is certainly off to a promising start. Students mobbed the Mods in anticipation of a comeback season after the team’s first underdog win against FSU, but the excitement didn’t stop there. Alumni Stadium was engulfed in a sea of gold as students cheered the Eagles to an incredible 56–0 victory over Duquesne. With the entire student body rallying for a fruitful fall,  our dreams of being ranked have already been achieved!
  • Return of Student Organizations
    • The past two weeks have been a flurry of activity with clubs eagerly recruiting new members and reuniting for another semester on the Heights. Dance teams are choreographing routines for the upcoming season, a cappella groups are ready to make their voices heard, and culture clubs are coordinating social events to welcome new members. Most importantly, in our humble opinion, today marks the publication of the Heights’ first e-edition of the semester. We can’t wait for the months to come!

Thumbs Down:

  • The Slow Start Is Over
    • The first two weeks of classes have come and gone, and so too has the slow on-ramp to academic anarchy. Even though we’re still trying to adjust to our new routines, the add/drop period is over and courses are picking up the pace. The transition from summer to school is certainly overwhelming, so make sure to get organized now and try to stay on top of your assignments before studying for exams and writing essays takes over all our free time!
  • Dorm Room Drama
    • Moving back in with friends is always exciting, but living away from home certainly comes with its difficulties. For all the freshmen adjusting to life with a new roommate, sophomores learning how to navigate living with seven other people, or upperclassmen taking on the responsibilities of off-campus living, the first few weeks back at BC always have a learning curve. Whether you keep waking up to your roommate’s alarm or can’t seem to figure out how to cook for yourself, try to be patient during this adjustment period. Living at BC will feel like the new normal before you know it!
September 8, 2024

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