TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Sept. 15

Thumbs Up:

  • Stokes Set
    • Men I Trust took the stage on Saturday night to perform at BC’s annual Stokes Set. Though the concert drew in a more mellow crowd than in years past, the band frequently interacted with the audience and created a relaxing atmosphere for students to rewind after their first few weeks of class. Warm lighting and tranquil melodies flooded Stokes Lawn, bringing some much-needed calm to the typically bustling heart of campus. Though they were only here for a night, it was refreshing to finally see some men worth trusting make an appearance on the Heights.
  • Debate Night Parties
    • On Tuesday night, students gathered in off-campus houses and freshman dorms to watch the first presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. As part of the new “Debate Night Done Right” initiative, BC provided pizzas and voter registration resources to all students who registered their debate watch parties.  With only two months until the election, let’s continue promoting political engagement on campus and encourage all students to play their part in democracy!

Thumbs Down:

  • Abroad Envy
    • The return to campus is always an exciting time for reunions with roommates, but the jealousy is hitting hard for those of us with friends studying abroad this semester. Campus certainly feels empty without the friends who’ve been such pivotal parts of our BC experiences, and constantly opening Instagram to pictures from the Italian coast isn’t making the adjustment any easier. So to all the envious juniors, just remember that your friends will be back in a few short months. And underclassmen, now is the perfect time to start researching your dream destinations!
  • Midterm Season Has Arrived
    • The transition from summer to fall is rapidly approaching, signaling to students across campus that midterm season is upon us. The days of casual study sessions on the Quad are soon to be replaced with late night lock-ins at O’Neill. Midterm season feels never-ending, and some students are already preparing for their first exam in just a few short days. So grab your favorite study partners, renew your Quizlet subscription, and break your highlighters out of hibernation– it’s time to get to work!
September 15, 2024

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