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The Transfer Zagat: 5 Tips on How to Navigate Your Transfer Experience

Congrats! You’ve been accepted to Boston College as a transfer student. Now that the dust has settled, you may be left wondering what to expect as a brand-new Eagle. I am sure you’re looking for answers to the big questions: “How do I connect with my new school?” “How do I make friends when everyone has known each other for at least a year?” “Did I make the right choice?”

Everyone’s situation is unique, and there may not be one answer that fits all. As a transfer student myself, however, I present five tips that hopefully will help you navigate your first year at a brand new school.

Live in Tandem, Get a Roommate

While sharing close quarters may be intimidating, the dorm-influenced proximity creates the closest of friendships. If screened cautiously, your roommate may become one of your dearest friends and a center for support as you face social and academic challenges. Starting with one friend makes branching out to meet new people a world easier. 

Even if you and your roommate are not the best buds, having one person to say hi to or eat with will make your transition period much smoother. No matter what living situation you had at your last school, finding yourself a dorm-room pal or two is essential.

Don’t Overextend

In both classes and clubs, it is of the utmost importance not to overextend yourself. Though it’s reasonable to believe that the best way to meet new people or achieve academic success is by taking on an intense workload, that’s not actually the case. BC may be extremely different from what you are used to at your last institution—classes may be more demanding or graded differently than expected. You may find yourself studying more to do well or going out more to make new connections. 

No matter which way you sway, signing on for too much will be a hindrance to the main goal—integrating into BC. Instead, take an average amount of credits and find one, maybe two, extracurriculars that you really enjoy and look forward to participating in. Not trying to overachieve and having a bit more free time will prove more fruitful than an overloaded schedule.

No Skip Days: Go To Class

No matter how tempting it is to skip, you should always go to class when you can. Making friends hinges on meeting new people, which is much easier to do by attending all of your lectures. 

Your BC courses may also be completely different from the lectures and seminars at your last school. Even if you attended a competitive school, the format changes alone could cause some strife. For at least the first semester, it is crucial to go to all classes, prioritize academics, and begin to feel at home in BC’s academic environment. 

Say “Yes”

For new students everywhere, the best rule of thumb is to say “Yes” to everything you can! While it is super important to find time for yourself, you should also branch out and try something new. Go on a date, go to a show, meet up with your friends in the city, or try a new restaurant. What you do is not important—it’s the effort that counts! It may seem like basic advice, but it’s true: “Yes” is the key to adventures!

Comparisons Kill

I know it’s difficult not to compare where you are now to where you were a year ago, but doing so will mar your experience. Remember that you transferred for a reason, and you got into BC for a reason! Even if it takes time, you will see that you did, in fact, make the right decision. You will find your spot on the Heights, so just keep putting yourself out there and know that you will make it through the inevitable growing pains.

I hope this list will help you find your way through your first year in Chestnut Hill. I promise you’ll love it here!

October 20, 2024

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