With 7:10 remaining in the first quarter of Boston College women’s basketball’s matchup versus Syracuse, Teya Sidberry drew two Syracuse defenders in the paint, then slung the ball over both defenders to Dontavia Waggoner in the low post.
Waggoner powered through a hit on the arm and finished at the basket.
“Right now we have, like a little mantra, that we’re trying to get where every time the ball is in your hand, make something happen,” BC head coach Joanna Bernabei-McNamee said. “It doesn’t have to be a shot, but it has to be where you’re a threat. And it kind of hopefully makes you relax and gives you that confidence.”
The Eagles regained possession by rebounding Waggoner’s missed free throw. A cross-court pass to Sidberry gave her the green light to shoot, and she rattled in the 3-pointer.
“It’s fun to work that high-low action [with Waggoner],” Sidberry said.
The Orange (7–11, 1–6 Atlantic Coast) surrendered 46 paint points, largely to the credit of Sidberry and Waggoner to the Eagles (12–8, 3–4) and BC shot 8-of-10 from three, leading it to a thunderous 92–51 win.
Waggoner led the team with 22 points, all coming from layups and made free throws. She earned eight free throw attempts as a result of winning battles in the low post.
“I would say that we’ve been harping on finishing at the rim, and so I think that me, personally, I came out a little bit… not making as many shots at the rim as I could,” Waggoner said. “But I think that because I missed so many, I was harping on making sure that I just continue to focus on making them throughout the game.”
Sidberry scored from all over the paint and collected four offensive rebounds for the Eagles. When T’yana Todd’s only miss from 3-point range hit the rim, Sidberry grabbed it for her tenth rebound of the afternoon and earned the second half of her 21-point double-double.
While Sidberry scored the bulk of her points from attacking the basket, she dialed in from beyond the arc when the opportunity was there.
“It was a great team win from inside to out cause when there are hard drives from my teammates then you would have to collapse in to guard them, or they’ll just finish,” Sidberry said. “It was pretty nice to just spot up and, you know, shoot.”
Sidberry went 3-of-4 from beyond the arc. Kaylah Ivey—3-of-6—and T’yana Todd—4-of-5—helped the Eagles put together a 3-point shooting percentage of 55.6 percent.
BC began with its strongest period—a 32-point, zero-turnover quarter. BC finished with 16 turnovers to the Orange’s 21, and took advantage of the misplays with 21 points off turnovers.
Kaylah Ivey saw the most minutes of all Eagles and use her time to deal 10 assists to go with nine points.