Metro, Newton

Residents Give Feedback on Newton Centre Plaza at Open House Event

The City of Newton hosted an open house on Tuesday evening to present its revised plan for the Newton Centre Pilot Plaza project and receive constituent feedback.

 “This is a tremendous opportunity to bring people to Newton Centre, to experience the restaurants and shops,” said Barney Heath, Newton director of planning and development.

Various members of the Newton government were in attendance to answer questions. The architecture firm designing the project also provided a large board where residents could place Post-it notes with suggestions or criticisms.

 Heath stated his support for the plan, which will replace parking spaces adjacent to the Newton Centre Green with an open community plaza.

 The principal concern the plaza has elicited is the loss of parking and the resulting impact on small businesses in Newton Centre. Heath explained how the revised plan accounted for the parking issue.

 “The net loss is down to eight parking spaces,” said Heath. “We are adding 60 spaces in and around Newton Centre. We were responsive to concerns expressed about parking.”

 The revised plaza will displace only 24 parking spots, down from the original number of 52. An additional 16 spots previously unavailable for use will be opened to the public. The 60 new spaces will all be within a quarter-mile radius of the existing parking lot, according to the city website.

  Newton Senior Planner Nora Masler reiterated Heath’s support for the modified plan. Masler also highlighted other efforts to integrate the plaza with Newton Centre.

 “We have made strategic changes here,” said Masler. “For example, changing the regulations on Braeland Avenue to make more parking available there.”

 The plan to create new parking has been criticized over fears that the new spaces would be difficult to locate. Masler explained how the planning department would attempt to mitigate that concern.  

“There will be wayfinding to parking less visible and wayfinding to businesses someone does not necessarily frequent,” Masler said. “This is an exciting occasion to enliven spaces for the community.”

 Rosa Herrero of DREAM Collaborative, LLC, the firm designing the project, provided more details about the flexible, feedback-driven nature of the project.

 “This plaza is a pilot project,” said Herrero. “It will last for six months, and we will see if it makes sense and if people like it. Elements can be removed or added. For example, do people like the picnic tables?”

 Herrero added that the project is intended to appeal to a wide swath of residents.

 “The plaza is supposed to be used by everyone,” Herrero said. “It could be a good space for teenagers, and there are not that many spaces for teenagers in Newton right now.”

 Ward 3 Councilor Julia Malakie expressed dissatisfaction with the project’s specifications and execution.

 “It was unfavorable the way it was first handled,” Malakie said. “I don’t totally understand the suggested alternative parking.”

 Malakie acknowledged the importance of Newton Centre as a central gathering place for the city but did not view the plaza’s construction as integral to promoting the area.

 “This would not have been my priority to spend our money on,” said Malakie.

 Meanwhile, Newton resident Benjamin Ginsburg strongly favored the plaza project.

 “I love it,” said Ginsburg. “In fact, the only thing I don’t like is that the project has shrunk in size from its original plan.”

According to Ginsburg, concerns about parking spaces were unfounded. Ginsburg was adamant that there was no parking problem in Newton Centre. 

“This is not an opinion—it’s a data-driven fact that there is enough parking,” said Ginsburg. “A study recently conducted shows that peak usage in the Langley lot is only 60 to 70 percent. The fears about parking are overblown.”

Ginsburg explained the various benefits he believes the plaza will bring the community.

“This will increase usability for all modes of transit,” Ginsburg said. “Everyone I know with kids is in favor of more open space in Newton.”

March 16, 2025

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