As upperclassmen realize that their youth is in the rearview and the terrifying world of career paths and realistic goals is approaching, they often turn to University resources for advice and assistance. Boston College offers these confused souls workshops, information sessions, and career fairs, and, this year, a more helpful timeline. In the past, the Career Center hosted Jumpstart Your Job Search, a conference for seniors who are facing down their cruel post-graduation fates. This year, the conference has a new name and a new date. It is called Launch and was moved from January to October, in order to accommodate the many students who start their job search early.
Moving the conference back three months is a good move from the Career Center. January is too late for the majority of BC students, who have already begun the never-ending search for a meaningful career that lends their lives purpose. Consulting firms and other employers have moved their recruiting process back into fall and the Career Center is right to respond to this. Holding the conference in October gives these students a chance to participate and take advantage of the Career Center’s resources at the beginning of the year so that the most benefit can be gained from the exposure.
The inclusion of juniors in the conference is another new development. According to Amy DiGiovine, assistant director of the Career Engagement Team, this move opens the conference up to students at various points in their job search. This expansion is another positive aspect of the new conference for juniors because it gives them an understanding of the timeline that will become a painful reality in only one year. Much in the way one tenses up before a punch in the stomach, a junior can gather information to be prepared for the rounds of interviewing, resumé-sending, rejection, and acceptance that mark the career search. Expanding the conference to juniors also brings more interest to the Career Center’s resources and ensures that more interested students realize what is available on campus.
One concern that comes up at career events such as this is the prevalence of consulting and finance companies, while jobs for other majors are often underrepresented. A number of workshops and information sessions on campus bring other industries to campus and Launch should be sure to maximize resources for students on campus whose interests expand beyond these careers. The event does well to host successful TV host and producer Pili Montilla, BC ’00, because she represents a career that is often less advertised at the University than financial or accounting jobs.
Featured Image by Amelie Trieu / Heights Editor