Music, Arts

Alicia Keys, Bebe Rexha, and Louisa Johnson in Singles This Week

Alicia Keys, “Holy War”


“Holy War” is a stripped-down anthem calling for change. Alicia Keys’ smooth and silky voice, set to a crisp acoustic guitar’s rhythm, sets the tone for an inspirational track. This newest single speaks for her new makeup-free, salt-of-the-earth image and message as an artist.

Bebe Rexha, “I Got You”


Bebe Rexha is best known for her ability to create an instant club hit—with or without another artist. Her newest single, “I Got You,” is no exception. The song’s sultry lyrics about love, mixed in with a catchy dance beat, make this track a sure fire hit.

Louisa Johnson, “So Good”


Louisa Johnson is fresh off the UK’s X Factor stage, and she is ready to take the music industry by storm. Electrically charged with a vintage vibe, outfitted with classical instruments, and polished off with her old-world voice, her newest release, “So Good,” is just what its title suggests.

Featured Image By STMPD RCRDS

November 3, 2016