Thumbs Up:
- Nice weather
- This week, the Boston winter has gone on spring break, and it’s been great. The warm weather has melted away most of the snow and the winter blues. Even if it was just for this week, being able to go for a run, eat lunch outside with friends, or not wear three layers, has been a welcome change of pace.
- The MFA
- The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is always a thumbs up, but currently there are some exhibitions that are must-sees. Writing the Future: Basquiat and the Hip-Hop Generation is on view until May 16, and Monet and Boston: Lasting Impression is on view until March 27. You can register for both exhibitions online.
Thumbs Down:
- “Spring Mid-Week Break”
- While the mid-week break might be a bit of a breather, we could use more than just one day. This awkward “break” is really just a pit stop during the week that is going to end up being just another day of studying. BC’s motivation to keep students from traveling is understandable, but students calling this a “mental health day” is a bit of a stretch.
- Midterm Season
- Speaking of needing a break, midterm season is right around the corner and is creeping up quickly on all of our calendars. All the reading you’ve been putting off because “it’s not technically due” is knocking. Even though it might feel like we just got back from break, it’s actually time to start cramming.
Featured image by Allyson Mozeliak / Heights Editor