Megan Kelly: I’m thankful for the usual suspects: family, friends, fellow Heights editors, and my elderly and senile dog (Bubba). I’m thankful for my eternally patient professors, late nights at Pino’s Pizza in Cleveland Circle, and my morning walk to class along a foggy Linden Lane as Gasson Hall, St. Mary’s Hall, and Bapst Library loom above me. Finally, I’m thankful for the navy blue copy couch in McElroy 113—where I sat during my first Heights news meeting in the fall of 2019—and the home away from home I’ve built in the 38 months since.
Mac McGee: I’m thankful for campus on a fall morning, the roar of Alumni Stadium after an Eagles touchdown, and the smell of coffee being brewed in Hillside on a midweek morning. I’m thankful for the people that make The Heights home—and all of the memories we’ve created together.
Lauren Wittenmyer: I’m thankful for my roommates and friends who have made this year the best it can be, my friends and family back home, and for the countless hours spent and memories made in Mac 113.
Emma Healy: I’m thankful for The Heights, which gave me some of my best friends, my future career, and a desk in Mac 113—my favorite place on campus. As I was two years ago, I’m thankful for my family, oat milk, my roommates, and dairy-free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. And as much as I’m thankful for Ohio, I’m thankful I found my way to Chestnut Hill.
Rachel Phelan: I’m thankful for the support of my family, for my dog, and for my home. Especially now that it is coming to an end, I am endlessly thankful for my time on The Heights and the incredible friends and experiences it has brought me.
Olivia Charbonneau: I’m thankful for BC for introducing me to my roommate and best friend through random selection freshman year. I’m thankful for my parents, my sisters, and my dog Sebastian, who can do no wrong. And as always, I’m eternally grateful for everyone I’ve been with since the 102nd board of The Heights and those who have joined this family since then, changing it for the better.
Julia Remick: I’m thankful for my family and friends and their endless love and support. I am thankful for morning walks across campus, since they remind me of the amazing experiences and people that Boston College has given me. I am thankful for CoRo coffee, before class conversations, the comfy chairs in Stokes, and The Heights for all that it has given me.
Erin Shannon: I’m thankful for peach iced tea, my three dogs, and my wonderful home on Algonquin Rd. I’m incredibly grateful my little sister also goes to college in Boston—just a quick Uber ride away. I’m thankful for the undeniably amazing people on The Heights who are responsible for my most memorable moments at BC.
Megan Gentile: I’m thankful for Alumni Stadium on Saturdays, my show tunes playlist, and Oxford commas. I’m thankful that I get to walk past Gasson each morning and for the comfort I feel in my corner of Mac 113. Most of all, I’m thankful for my health, loving family, supportive friends and roommates, and the people on The Heights that have made my first two-and-half years at BC feel like home.
Stephen Bradley: I’m thankful for a breakfast consisting of a butter-and-jam tartine, orange juice with pulp, and a shot of espresso. I’m thankful for the reemergence of “ur mom” jokes, despite some unwarranted pushback. Most importantly, I’m wholly thankful for The Heights—from the magazine section to Mac 113, my favorite place on campus, to the people who have turned BC into a home.
Victor Stefanescu: I’m thankful for the behind-the-scenes people who make Boston College so much greater. The RAs who will stop at anytime to have a conversation with you. The dining workers who welcome you with the biggest “hello” in the world. The bus drivers who will wait an extra moment when they spot you in the distance. And many more.
Kate Canniff: I’m thankful for my lovely walks to campus every day, iced coffee despite the dropping temps, my friends for listening to my random ramblings and our good chats, and the endless support from my family. And I’m also thankful for these past two years being a part of The Heights where I’ve met and learned from some amazing people. It’s been a gift to work with so many driven people toward one goal.
Tommy Roche: I’m thankful for my caring professors and even more caring friends at BC. I’m also thankful for my thought-provoking conversations in and around Mac 113, as well as the Flutie Flakes box that sits on my dorm shelf.
Julia Kiersznowski: I’m thankful for bagel sandwiches from Hillside, Christmas movies in November, and days spent wandering around Brookline Booksmith. Most of all, I’m thankful for my past three-and-a-half years at this magical place, the people that make senior year such a bittersweet goodbye, and Mac 113—the place I hold most dearly in my heart.
Isabella Pieretti: Thankful. Maybe it literally means to be full of thanks. I’m full of thanks for my family, freshman friends, anxious and eager, who remind me of what came before, and older mentors who inspire me to look toward the future with hope. I also offer some of my thanks to the beach, the Quad grass, chocolate, “old soul” music (according to Erin F.), and to all the people, especially those on The Heights, who strive to make the world just a little bit better every day.
Vikrum Singh: I’m thankful for late night study groups, FaceTimes across the Atlantic, and Dayquil. I’m thankful for my roommate’s Keurig, grocery trips with friends, and the smell of masala chai wafting up the stairs every morning that I’m home. I’m thankful for my parents, siblings, and the friends I’ve made over the past three years at Boston College. I’m thankful for The Heights and the talent in Mac 113 every Sunday that never ceases to amaze me.
Seeun Ahn: I am thankful for my friends and family and am looking forward to spending more time with them during the holidays. I am thankful for the lessons I’ve learned, the relationships I’ve made and furthered, and the opportunities I was given this past year.
Annie Corrigan: I’m thankful for Boston College and the awesome people I’ve met so far. I’m also extremely thankful for The Heights board and the incredible people who have made my time on the board and on BC’s campus so special.
Paige Stein: This year I am especially thankful for my amazing friends who never fail to make me laugh when I need a pick me up. I am also so grateful for my family for the endless support and love they give me. Lastly, I am grateful for coffee for getting me through the semester.
Eamon O’Malley: I am thankful for my family and friends, the BC community, and The Heights for a great two years on the board.
Maddie Phelps: I’m thankful for the incredible home that Boston College has given me over the past four years. This campus is where I’ve formed many of my most meaningful relationships and had some amazing experiences that I will remember for the rest of my life. I am also eternally grateful for the memories I’ve made in Mac 113, its hallway, and beyond with the best board I could have asked for in my final semester on The Heights.
Onur Toper: I’m thankful for my friends, fresh figs, brisk winter weather, the West Wing Playbook newsletter, my BC education, my fellow editors who pour their hearts and souls into The Heights, and my parents–to whom I owe everything.
Natalie Arndt: I am thankful for the holidays and the opportunity to be able to go home and see my dog. All I could ever ask for is a nice In-N-Out burger and a Mr. Friday Dog on my lap. I am so excited to return to the Golden State. I am also very thankful for the family I have found here that makes BC feel like home everyday. And, of course, I am beyond grateful for the 104th board of The Heights. I simply do not know what I would do without these people.
Amy Palmer: I’m thankful for the little things that bring so much joy like the first snowfall of the year and uncontrollable laughter. I’m thankful for my dog, rainy days, good books, fluffy blankets, and The Heights, my home away from home. Most of all, I’m thankful for the people I love, who I know love me unconditionally, and for the endless opportunities that await.
Graham Dietz: I’m thankful for the holidays, when I get to spend time with extended family. I’m thankful for my grandfather’s obscene remarks at the suppah’ table, Patriots-colored nachos, my grandmother’s home-cooked chowdah’, and mish mash (a signature Dietz family dish). I’m thankful that I get to kick my feet up on Thanksgiving, watch late-night football, and stuff my face with mashed potatoes, turkey, and Ocean Spray cranberry “sauce.”
MC Claverie: I’m thankful for morning debriefs, late night walks home with Erin, bagels, and the word “ope.” I’m also thankful for my family, my friends and roommates who I adore, Mac 113, and my second family—my Heights family—who have changed my life for the better.
Gavin Zhang: I am thankful for the New England winter that goes well with a good bowl of clam chowder (in that order), and the WD-40, ACF-50, and PTFE that keep my sweetheart shiny. But all these lose their luster when compared to my professors, my friends, and especially the wonderful occupants of Mac 113—you shaped my college years in such profound ways. Above all, I am grateful for my family—though we are an ocean apart, my heart is with you always.
Josie McNeill: I’m thankful for matcha lattes, legwarmers coming back in style, my dog Snowball, my parents, my brother who moved to Minnesota, the friends I met at BC and over this past summer, and all the lovely people on The Heights who make sitting in an office all day every Sunday feel normal and fun.
Eliza Hernandez: I’m thankful to have the best mom, brother, and dog in the world. I’m thankful for sunny days, baby animals, and grape tomatoes. And every day, I’m thankful for The Heights for giving me a home on campus, my best friends, and a fear of the passive voice.
Steve Mooney: I’m thankful for the people I have met at Boston College, as they are some of the kindest, brightest people I have ever met and have shown me the best parts of this world. Whether it’s exploring the New England wilderness, staying up all night studying, or just spending a Saturday night in, the people here have really made my life.
Sophia Maher: Today, I am grateful to be at Boston College and for the many experiences I have lived here. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn with the seasons, and I am grateful for forgiveness. Other gratitudes include apple cinnamon tea, niche Spotify playlists, Hillside paninis, and of course, the extraordinary 104th board of The Heights.
Beth Verghese: I’m thankful for the Nespresso pods that fill my coffee cup in the morning, for the pens I write my daily schedule with, for the New Balances that allow me to run lengthy mileage, and for the words of support from my friends and family. Most importantly, however, I’m thankful for the support and love I feel from The Heights.
Sofia Laboy: I’m thankful for almond milk lattes and (virgin) espresso martinis. I’m thankful for all the unexpected moments that didn’t go quite my way but led me to something greater. And as thankful as I always am for my strong hometown and family roots, this year I’m especially thankful for the fiercely loyal and humorous people in Walsh 207 and Mac 113.
Jack Bergamini: I’m thankful for my family and friends, college basketball, my 8–2 fantasy football team, and Danny Dimes. #gogiants
Erin Flaherty: I’m thankful for the changing seasons, comfy jeans, Diet Coke, bulky sweaters, Lucy Dacus’ discography, and the uncontrollable laughter and sense of comfort I experience when I’m with my fellow editors.
Connor Siemien: I’m thankful for morning coffee, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen, Philadelphia sports, my parents, audiobooks, the endless fun I’ve had with Heights editors, and so much more. Without these things my life would be much less enjoyable.
Pat Tran: I’m thankful for the friends that I’ve put myself out there to discover at BC, from the ones who let me sleep on their couches to the ones that sit behind the arts desk with me every Sunday. I’m also thankful for the Lower salad bar, the music of The Smiths, and my mom and dad.
Nicole Vagra: I am thankful for the BC shuttle passing me every day it rains. I am thankful for chicken and two sides, and most of all, I am thankful for the opportunity to sacrifice my Sundays for The Heights and work with some of the most creative and intelligent people on campus.
Liz Schwab: I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that BC has provided me. More specifically, I am incredibly thankful for the shared laughs and hilarious individuals I have found within The Heights.
Olivia Joung: With the holidays swiftly approaching, I’m thankful for Boston College and the opportunities it has given me. I’m also thankful for the small things: for crisp fall air and fuzzy sweaters, good music and laughter. And, most importantly, I’m thankful for my family and friends who’ve always been there for me.
Meadow Vrtis: As my favorite holiday of the year fast approaches, I am thankful for sweater weather and mugs of tea, the many colors of New England fall, and the presence of pumpkin everything. And for the life, laughter, and love brought to me by my beautiful friends, my supportive family, and my home on The Heights. 🙂
Gabriel Wallen: While there are too many things I am specifically thankful for to list here, I would say, most of all, I am thankful for my family and the wonderful opportunities they have given me. I would not be able to say that I am thankful for going to BC, working for The Heights, or for all the close friends I have met these past four years had their love and inspiration not carried me to who I am and where I am today.
Catherine Dolan: I am thankful the weather is getting chillier and clothes are getting comfier. I’m looking forward to a relaxing and joyful holiday season spent with both friends at BC and loved ones at home!
Conor Richards: This year, I am especially thankful for the wonderful people I am lucky to call my friends. I am thankful for my childhood friend Griffin’s aggressive hospitality and for my roommate Sean’s muddy mountain biking habits and for my bandmate Tasha’s affinity for origami swans.
Maggie Leahy: I am thankful, of course, for my family, friends, and two cats back home, but additionally for all of the things I’ve grown to love in my four years at BC. I’m grateful for late nights spent in The Heights office listening to Taylor Swift, the cinnamon-y smell of pumpkin muffins with extra chocolate chips mixed with the laughs of my roommates, runs around the Res, summertime at BC spent in Devlin Hall, glitter on game days, and the camaraderie of the BC community.
Asalya Fakhridinova: I am thankful for all the opportunities that came across my life that led me to BC. I have met some of the most amazing people here through different clubs and get-togethers that have shaped my way of going about life.