TU/TD, Opinions

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of April 23

Thumbs Up:

  • Campus Bouquets
    • Although we occasionally roll our eyes at the amount of money Boston College spends on its landscaping every year, there are few things as joyful as walking past plots of newly bloomed flowers. From BC-shaped designs to our famous tulips, these buds fill our campus with color and life. So, we at Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down have a challenge for you—when the study days start to drag on, go for a rainbow walk around campus and try to find one beautiful plant in every color.
  • Extensions
    • With all BC students swamped with schoolwork and stress, there is truly nothing better than when a professor grants a student an extension on an important paper or project. Even if it just means turning an assignment in at midnight instead of noon, the extra time gives us the chance to really put our best foot forward. So, to those kind professors, thank you for your generosity! And to any professor who boldly (literally) outlines in their syllabus that they offer “NO EXTENSIONS,” we kindly ask you to grow your Grinch heart a few extra sizes.

Thumbs Down:

  • 101 Final Projects
    • With finals on the horizon, BC students expect some combination of five final projects, papers, and exams—and that’s if there is just ONE final assignment per class. Yet, many of us are finding ourselves stuck with far, far more. Finals week is stretching from one week into four as we find ourselves already swamped with projects counting for far too much of our final grades. As you push through the next few weeks, be sure to sleep, eat, and take a break from time to time. We’re almost there.
  • Meal Plan Woes
    • It’s that time of the year—time to carefully analyze the numbers in your GET Mobile and determine your fate for the rest of the semester. At this point, you either have tragically little meal plan money remaining, or you have way, way too much. And although we might not love eating in the dining hall every night, we won’t be happy until all our balances reach a net zero. So find yourself a buddy in the opposite situation and start playing meal plan exchange. We are men and women for others, and we can make this work!
April 23, 2023