Opinions, TU/TD

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Oct. 27

Thumbs Up:

  • Hallo-Weekend
    • The end of October is a flurry of excitement. Midterms are coming to a close, fall is (almost) in full swing, and Halloween is just around the corner. With the holiday falling on a Thursday this year, one pressing question has been circulating campus: when is Hallo-weekend? BC students are seizing the opportunity to celebrate not just once but over two weekends, back to back. So if you didn’t get the chance to wear your dream costume last night, don’t worry—you’ll have another opportunity next weekend!
  • Rookie Showcase
    • After months of late-night rehearsals and pent-up anticipation, the new members of BC’s beloved dance teams finally got their chance to stand in the spotlight at this year’s Rookie Showcase. The Rec Center buzzed with excitement as students gathered to watch the incredible talent of the new recruits, cheering on BC’s fan-favorite teams. One thing is certain: the dance teams will never fail to impress us!

Thumbs Down:

  • Election Season
    • As November approaches, so does the tension and excitement of the upcoming presidential election. For many students, this will be their first time voting in a major election. With important decisions to make about candidates who will shape the future, the pressure circulating campus is palpable. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed while trying to navigate discussions about policies and the mail-in ballot process, but remember—this is your chance to make your vote count!
  • Lines, Lines, Lines
    • Maybe it’s the increasing presence of tour groups that’s making campus feel packed to the brim, but recently it seems as though this school has been overtaken by lines around every corner. From the Maloney elevators to the Chocolate Bar, the lines stretching across campus seem longer than ever. Whether during the morning rush for coffee or lunchtime scramble to grab a Mac salad, the patience of students is being tested now more than ever. As we wait in these seemingly never-ending lines, it’s hard not to dream of the day that coffee runs between classes won’t be a 20-minute ordeal.
October 27, 2024

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