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How Different BC Buildings Would Dress for Halloween

Although midterms may be the scariest part of October, Halloween is back on the Heights! What better way to get into the spooky spirit than to start picking out costumes for Hallo-weekend? 

Whether you and your roommates are matching in a group costume or you plan on going solo, your outfit is sure to be a treat. You’ve likely been curating the perfect ensemble for yourself, but have you ever wondered how your favorite Boston College buildings would arrive at the function? Look no further. 

Gasson: Statue of Liberty

An illustrious structure that has time and again personified the epitome of grace and intelligence. There is truly no one classier and more coveted than Gasson herself. Likewise, I see no other option than to grace her with the timeless title of Lady Liberty. Think turquoise sparkly mini dress with a crown and a flaming blue torch. As the tourists gather down Linden Lane to admire her coveted reputation, she stands confidently, serving as a picturesque vision of wisdom and strength—truly a main character moment. 

McMullen Museum of Art: Where’s Waldo? 

A hidden gem of BC tucked away atop a hill on the Brighton campus, it is often overshadowed by the more popular buildings of the university. Few students can point to this richly curated museum on a map, but it is well worth the short walk down Comm Ave. So, McMullen, put on a red and white striped shirt and some vibrant blue pants and maybe you’ll begin to stand out in the crowd. The finer things in life can indeed be harder to come by. 

Walsh: Party Animal

Rumor has it that the residents of Walsh Hall have been preparing for Hallo-weekend since move-in day. Home to around 35 percent of the sophomore class, this building is sure to be the life of the party. Walsh, throw on your best leopard print dress (or shirt), a noisemaker, and a party hat, because this costume will be wild. If you happen to walk past the vibrant glow of colored LED lights shining through almost every Walsh window, be sure to look out for the safaris of eight-man suites having a howling good time. 

Stokes North and South: Milk & Cookies

There is nothing more exhilarating (and often cringe-worthy) than seeing your favorite couples donning matching ensembles. For the past month, students across campus have been pestering their partners to buy the latest costume they saw trending on TikTok. Stokes North and South, on the other hand, have always been one for the classics. Joined together in their love of literature, language, and philosophy (and the bridge that physically connects them), the two Stokes’ make the sweetest couple. And what’s sweeter than milk and cookies? An homage to The Chocolate Bar and its giant M&M cookies. With all the couples costumes we’re sure to see this year around campus as BC’s lovebirds flex their ongoing relationships, this duo might just be the most romantic of all. 

Merkert: Ghost 

A building with quite a notorious reputation, Merkert Chemistry Center may not be the fan favorite, but it is certainly a classic. Haunted by the blood, sweat, and tears of students strenuously performing experiments in their hours-long labs, anyone stepping into the scary abyss of Merkert Chemistry Center is sure to feel a chill sent down their spine. Make sure to look out for your friends in organic chemistry—with their copious workload, they may not have time to put together any costume other than a sheet with two holes. Let’s just hope that their midterms don’t come back to haunt them. 

October 27, 2024

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