Founded last spring by a small group of Boston College film students, Exposure Productions is expanding the scope of its content this semester, exploring the possibility of filming feature-length productions at BC. The student-run business was created on the premise that it would give “exposure” to on-campus groups, with its early work exclusively promotional in nature. This fall, Exposure is filming Mod of Cards, a feature length series that will premiere on Dec. 7. The dramatic parody of the popular Netflix drama, House of Cards, will feature a cast of 36 speaking-role actors, and is currently being produced by a crew of 21 students.
Mod of Cards is an extension of the group’s early aims—instead of promoting student groups, Exposure will be publicizing student talent. Industry experience is invaluable for those aspiring toward careers in the arts, and since Boston lacks the opportunities in film and acting that students might find in New York or Los Angeles, student productions of this nature can help posture BC more seriously as a pre-professional school for the arts.
With little overhead, few measures of censorship, and freedom in filming, the production crew for Mod of Cards took measures to keep the series tasteful. The producers consulted groups including the Women’s Center, the GLBTQ Leadership Council, and various Jesuits on the script. These considerations will hopefully be an encouraging sign for administrators, allowing for an expansion of the freedom of student groups moving forward.
Offering free technical training to its volunteer crew members—who, in some cases, had no experience in film before Mod of Cards—Exposure is providing for filmmakers what other groups on campus have long done for investment banking, accounting, and other business careers. Expanding BC’s network within the media industry and creating internal talent, student-run organizations like Exposure offer a model for how BC might better prepare students for creative fields.
Featured Image by Zach Halpern / Heights Senior Staff