Column, Opinions

TU/TD: More Snow And More Class

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Having School Monday – We feel like putting this in here could be a jinx, but we have faith that the snow will keep itself away by the time this issue lands on campus. This is bloody brilliant because Saturday classes has actually just been identified as a threat, and we will have nothing of that sort happening. The first full week in four weeks—it should be interesting to see how it’s going to feel. We have a feeling longer than usual, but it will make more sense than a snow day where we wake up at one in the afternoon, stumble around our dorm for a while, look at the snow out our window, watch disgusting amounts of Netflix, and then go back to bed. Anything is better than that.

House of Cards – We had absolutely no idea that the release of season three was sneaking up so close. We have so much other crap to do all day that when got a text message saying “Can you believe they leaked all of the episodes already?” we were like, “Wait … what?” Sure, they weren’t leaked for long, and we didn’t get to see anything, but it’s just a little over 10 days now when we get back and see Kevin Spacey deliver another chilling performance as Frank Underwood. What’s so great about a show like this? Bad people never actually win at anything—it’s just about how long they can keep their balance on the house they precariously built. And that’s what we’re watching here—bad people struggle to stay bad. Quick, grab a beer and go watch the teaser online.

All The Vases of Roses We Got on Valentine’s Day – Just kidding.


 Thumbs Down

Another Blizzard – Enough already, please. We’re trying to live our lives and you show up every other moment. Soon enough it’s going to be April and May and we’re afraid that you won’t be all gone by then. We’ll still be taking finals in the snow. So please, pretty please, go away.

The Chocolate Bar Being Closed on Sundays – We wake up on Sundays morning, and Fuel America is so far away, but we still need our coffee. Why does this school think that we don’t need caffeine on the weekends? Our days of rest are never actually restful.

Fifty Shades of Grey – The movie made a lot of money at the box office this weekend, which just goes to show that consumers will pay money to anything that gets the slightest bit of publicity, even something with a man stalking a girl until he can have sex with her and then get her to submit to some crazy bondage abuse. Like, really, that’s the plot of Fifty Shades of Grey. Can you believe that?

Featured Image by Arthur Bailin / Heights Editor

February 15, 2015